Economic Drivers as Anchors of EU-Turkey Relations: Trade, Finance and Knowledge



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Economic evaluation techniques of urban transportation alternatives.
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Economic growth and environment nexus: environmental Kuznets curve
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Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the most important Green House Gases (GHGs) for contributing to global climate change. Human influence on earth through economic development is clearly emitting immense amount of CO2 emissions. Hence, examining the relationship between CO2 emissions and economic growth is crucial. In this study, the relationship between income and CO2 emissions in the context of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (hereafter EKC), which posits the existence of an inverted U-shape relationship betw...
Economic uncertainty and credit crunch - Evidence from an emerging market
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Using both univariate and multivariate analyses, this paper attempts to determine whether a credit crunch occurred in the Turkish economy during the 1990s. It also addresses the question of whether this credit crunch was a supply-side- or a demand-side-originated phenomenon. Economic uncertainty is proxied by unanticipated inflation. The analyses are carried out by controlling for political uncertainty as well. The results indicate that economic uncertainty has a significantly negative impact on the supply ...
Citation Formats
E. Erdil and İ. S. Akçomak, Economic Drivers as Anchors of EU-Turkey Relations: Trade, Finance and Knowledge. 2021.