Comparison of different nitrate removal methods in groundwater

Tuna Öztürk, Eda
VII. International Symposium on Ecology and Environmental Problems


Comparison of different aspect ratio cooling channel designs for a liquid propellant rocket engine
Boysan, M. E.; Ulaş, Abdullah; Toker, K. A.; Seckin, B. (2007-06-16)
High combustion temperatures and long operation durations require the use of cooling techniques in liquid propellant rocket engines. For high-pressure and high-thrust rocket engines with long operation times, regenerative cooling is the most preferred cooling method. In regenerative cooling, a coolant flows through passages formed either by constructing the chamber liner from tubes or by milling channels in a solid liner. Traditionally, approximately square cross sectional channels have been used. However, ...
Comparison of test methods on the compressive strength of slag and natural pozzolan cements
Tokgöz, Abdullah Usame; Tokyay, Mustafa; Yaman, İsmail Özgür; Department of Civil Engineering (2014)
Among the two standard test methods of determining the compressive strength of cements which are described in EN 196-1 and ASTM C 109, the basic differences is in the amount of water used in preparing the mortars. According to EN 196-1 the former uses a constant water-cement ratio of 0.50 in the preparation of mortar specimens, for all types of cements whereas the latter uses a constant water-cement ratio of 0.485 and 0.460 for Portland and air-entrained Portland cements, respectively; and water-cement rati...
Comparison of different methods on the enrichment of Konya Inlice epithermal gold ores
Döğme, Ayşe Nur (2020-01-01)
In this study, firstly, enrichment experiments were carried out on the epithermal gold ore belonging to the Konya-Inlice region containing 2.38 ppm Au-containing oxide type ore and 1.39 ppm Au-containing sulfur ore with using Falcon device as a gravity enrichment method. In these group experiments, the effects of parameters such as centrifugal force, bowl type effect, and a solid ration of feeding were investigated. As the second enrichment method, the conventional flotation technique was applied. In these ...
Comparison of physicochemical characteristics and photofermentative hydrogen production potential of wastewaters produced from different olive oil mills in Western-Anatolia, Turkey
Eroglu, Ela; Eroglu, Inci; Gündüz, Ufuk; Yuecel, Meral (2009-04-01)
Olive oil extraction produces a dark-colored wastewater that contains nutrients that can be further processed using biotechnology, in parallel with treatment for disposal. For instance, olive mill wastewater (OMW) can be used as a substrate for photofermentative hydrogen production by purple bacteria. A comparative study was investigated with several OMW samples front different olive oil mills in Western-Anatolia, Turkey. The composition of OMW varies significantly for each mill; thus, a detailed physicoche...
Comparison of compressive strength test procedures for blended cements
Ülker, Elçin; Yaman, İsmail Özgür; Öztürk, Abdullah; Department of Cement Engineering (2010)
The aim of this thesis is to twofold, in order to demonstrate the variabilities that can be faced within the compressive strength of blended cements, one blended cement namely CEM IV / B (P-V) 32.5N is selected and the 28-day compressive strength is obtained by 16 different laboratories following TS EN 196-1 standard. Later, to show the variabilities that could be faced by different standards, three different cement types were selected and their compressive strengths are determined following two procedures ...
Citation Formats
E. Tuna Öztürk and Z. YİĞİT AVDAN, “Comparison of different nitrate removal methods in groundwater,” presented at the VII. International Symposium on Ecology and Environmental Problems, 2013, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: