A System Dynamics Approach for Technology Improvement Policy Analysis: The Case for Turkey


A System dynamics approach for technology improvement policy analysis: the case of Turkey
Durgun, M. Serdar ; Sayın, Erol; Program in Science and Technology Policy Studies (2001)
A system dynamics approach for housing policy analysis: the case of Turkey
Arıkal, Baturalp; Sayın, Erol; Department of Industrial Engineering (1995)
A Stress testing framework for the Turkish banking sector: an augmented approach
Çakmak, Bahadır; Öcal, Nadir; Department of Economics (2014)
This thesis proposes a suite of models, which are a set of independent but complementary models, for conducting a macro stress test of credit risk for the Turkish banking sector. First model links financial stability to macroeconomic stability and estimates the relationship between macroeconomic variables and macrofinancial variables within a VAR framework. Second model employs static and dynamic panel data techniques to regress nonperforming loans to these macroeconomic and macrofinancial variables. With a...
A computational architecture methodology for design in traditional tissue: the case of Kalkan
Karabağ, Kutay; Asatekin, Gül; Department of Architecture (2010)
This study targets to address the problem of 'new building in a traditional setting', utilizing computational design tools. The intention is to provide a methodology for analysis of architectural features of a traditional tissue and moreover propose computational design strategies utilizing algorithms for processing analytical data serving new building design. In the introduction part, this goal is exposed as well as a critic discussion based on a conservationist perspective for contemporary examples of com...
A social benefit cost analysis approach in privatization: The case of Kardemir
Ataoğlu, Onur; Arıkan, Yıldız; Department of Industrial Engineering (1996)