Science and Technology Policy Research Center (TEKPOL), Article

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Entity Type
Publication (66)

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Yes (65)
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Erdil, Erkan (14)
Akçomak, İbrahim Semih (8)
Pamukcu, Mehmet Teoman (8)
Beyhan, Berna (4)
Fındık, Derya (4)

Turkey (7)
Innovation (5)
Economic growth (2)
Emerging economies (2)
Knowledge (2)

Date Issued
2003 - 2009 (22)
2010 - 2019 (41)
2020 - 2021 (3)

Item Type
Article (44)
Working Paper (12)
Journal Article (6)
Book Chapter (3)
Newsletter (1)

Recent Submissions

The Strategic Studies for Digital Transformation in Turkey
Erdil, Erkan (Science And Technology Policy Studies, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2021-7)
The Effects of Using Bioenergy: Is It All Good?
İpek, Ezgi; Koçlu, Fırat (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2021)
This paper will examine the economic, social, and environmental effects of bioenergy using the Ordinary Least Square Method (OLS) and the Fully-Modified Ordinary Least Square Method (FM-OLS) in Brazil, Austria, and Turkey,...
Türkiye’de Zeytin ve Zeytinyağı Sektöründeki Tarımsal Üretici Örgütlerinin Değer Zincirindeki Rolü ve Bölgesel Kapsayıcılığı
Pehlivan Gürkan, Nilgün (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2021)
Üretici örgütleri, zeytin üreticilerinin ürün değer zincirinde rol alarak katma değeri elde etmelerini sağlayan önemli kurumsal yapılardır. Bu çalışma üretici örgütlerinin zeytin ve zeytinyağı değer zincirindeki rolü ve bö...
11. kalkınma planı toplantılarından notlar
Akçomak, İbrahim Semih (2018-02-01)
Interconnected Areas of Research: Collaborations in Social Innovation
Fındık , Derya (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2018)
Knowledge and Economic Growth: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis for OECD Countries
Utku İsmihan, Fatma M. (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2018)
This paper aims to investigate the role of knowledge in the economic growth convergence of the OECD member countries during the 1995-2011 period, by utilizing production function approach. In our augmented production funct...
Industry 4.0 and Turkish National Innovation System: Challenges and Prospects
Erdil, Erkan; Ertekin Bolelli, Şeyda (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2017-12-01)
This study discusses the structure of Turkish National Innovation System (NIS) and challenges faced in the last decade in the context of the digital transformation. As a developing country and a member of G-20, how these c...
Knowledge Cohesion in European Regions: Convergence and Cohesion with Turkey
Akçomak, İbrahim Semih; Erdil, Erkan (2017-9-30)
In a knowledge economy, it is interesting to see that the concept of knowledge cohesion is a fertile soil for research. Despite the ongoing interest in investigating whether economic cohesion has been ...
Türk Zeytin ve Zeytinyağı Sektörel Yenilik Sistemi’ndeki Sistemik Problemler: Kamu Politikası Tasarımı için Tespit Analizi
Pehlivan Gürkan, Nilgün (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2017)
This study aims to identify main problems inhibiting the development of olive and olive oil sector in Turkey i.e. barriers for innovation in the sector. For this aim, weaknesses in structures (i.e. actors, institut...
Finansal yenilik yazınındaki son gelişmeler
Cömert, Hasan (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2016-02-01)
Yenilik kavramı uzun zamandır enine boyuna tartışılmaktadır. Bu tartışmalara paralel olarak reel sektöre özgü yenilikleri açıklamaya çalışan teorilerde ciddi gelişmeler görülmüştür. Son dönemdeki gelişmeler reel sektördeki...
Bilgi, Bilim, Teknoloji ve Yenilik: Kavramsal Tartışma
Akçomak, İbrahim Semih; Erdil, Erkan; Pamukcu, Mehmet Teoman; Tiryakioğlu, Murad (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2016-01-01)
Bu bölüm kitapta sıklıkla atıfta bulunulan ve ilerleyen bölümlerde derinlemesine incelenen bilgi, teknoloji, teknolojik değişme, teknolojinin yayılması, Ar-Ge, yenilik ve fikri mülkiyet hakları gibi kavramların kısaca açık...
High Growth Firms: As a Policy Option in Turkey
Demirez, Murat (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2016)
HGFs increasingly draw attention of policy makers with their outstanding performances as novel policy instruments. However, the heterogeneous nature of firm growth and its erratic patterns make them questionable. In additi...
Firm Level Absorptive Capacity and the Success of International Technology Transfer: the Case of Aerospace Industry in Turkey
Seçkin, Başar (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2016)
This paper aims to figure out the relation between firm level absorptive capacity (AC) and the success of international technology transfer (ITT). Additionally, effects of determinants on the success of ITT other than firm...
Impact of Pre-incubators on Entrepreneurial Activities in Turkey: Problems, Successes, and Policy Recommendations
Kepenek, Emek Barış; Eser, Zeliha (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2016)
Innovation is a key driver of economic growth the world over. One key initiative in innovative societies is entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship can be considered a driving force for economic growth, employment creation, and...
Teknolojik Yetenek ve Öğrenme
Tiryakioğlu, Murad (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2016)
Teknolojik gelişmenin hem şartı hem de bir sonucu olarak nitelendirilebilecek teknolojik yetenek, makro düzeyde uluslararası rekabet gücünün, iktisadi büyüme ve kalkınmanın; mikro düzeyde ise firmaların rekabetçi gücünün v...
Ar-Ge ve Yeniliğin Ölçümü ve Ar-Ge ve Yenilik Anketi Verilerinin Araştırmada Kullanılması
Akçomak, İbrahim Semih (2016-01-01)
1980’lerde evrimci iktisat yazını ve 1990’larda neo-klasik içsel büyüme modelleri Ar-Ge ve yeniliğin önemini ortaya koymuştur. Bu etkinin tam olarak anlaşılması ve analiz edilebilmesi, Ar-Ge ve yeniliğin doğru ve sistemati...
There and Back Again : The Quest and Self-Discovery in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit
Arslan, Murat (Karabuk University, 2015-12-23)
J.R.R. Tolkien contributed a lot to English fantasy and children's literature. In his novel called The Hobbit, he presents the adventure of the hobbit, Bilgo Baggins and thirteen dwarves who crave for getting their homelan...
A Perceptual Measure of Innovation Performance: Micro Level Evidence from Turkey
Fındık, Derya; Beyhan, Berna (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2015)
This paper aims to introduce a qualitative indicator to measure innovation performance of Turkish firms by using firm level data collected by Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) in 2008 and 2009. We propose a new indi...
Review of International Production and Global Value Chain Studies: The Case of Turkish Regional Networks
Erdil, Erkan (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2015)
This study focuses on how Turkey’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can participate in global markets. In fact, developing countries provide a means for accelerating the development of enterprises ...
Catch-up with Generative State: Lessons from Chinese Telecom Equipment Industry
Emiroğlu, Ulaş (Science And Technology Policies Research Center, Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey), 2015)
Neoliberal catch-up policies are definitely useless to create suitable environment for latecomers in order to close the gap with forerunners. This paper investigates an alternative policy to the neoliberal development poli...
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