Güner, Gizem
The economic and spatial vacancy after de-industrialization triggered the cities to capitalize on creative industries, which challenged the conventional dynamics of work and life in the urban sphere. Co-working spaces, homes and public spaces having emerged as new forms of workspaces – along with the urban environments being restructured as diverse ecosystems of high education, talent, vibrant cultural infrastructure and other services – are considered as the new landscape of the post-industrial city. The changing workspaces and urban experiences of creative labor are investigated in this study in Istanbul, which is the economic capital of Turkey, containing the majority of its creative workforce. Interviews are conducted in co-working spaces in Levent-Maslak, Sishane and Kadikoy neighborhoods where creative labor and their work / life environments locate densely. While the literature provides information about the creative labor’ work /life preferences and the places that attract the creative class, the wider socio-spatial associations of the new spatial dynamics of work in the urban context is an under-researched area. Regarding how remote work will affect urban geography, the work and life experiences of creative labor can be valuable for economic development in urban planning practices.


Spatial dynamics of creative industries: The case of computer programming sector in Ankara
Durmaz Erçetin, Büşra; Kayasü, Serap; Department of City and Regional Planning (2022-11-11)
The development of cities and economies in the 21st century have been discussed through creative sectors. The Fordist mode of production, which was dominant until the 1970s, left its hegemony to the post Fordist mode based on flexible production and specialization. Widespread use of digital technologies and computerized production stand as one of the most prior features of this new post Fordist era. In the new era, based on knowledge and creativity, development have been undertaken by the sectors that can m...
Intervening to urban decline by urban design tools in divided cities: Lefkoşa
Özdemir, Sıla; Yetişkul Şenbil, Emine; Department of City and Regional Planning (2014)
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Post pandemic spatial organizational design change in technology oriented creative sectors: Ankara case
Başaran, Ceyda; Pınarcıoğlu, Mehmet Melih; Department of City Planning (2022-6-20)
Creative sectors play an essential role in the economic and social transformation of the city. Creative sectors, which have a wide range of sectors from advertising to fashion, from research and development to architecture, include high knowledge, innovation, and fast problem-solving elements. The contribution of creative economies to the gross domestic product of metropolitan cities such as Ankara cannot be ignored. The spatial coverage of large-scale working and office areas such as technology development...
Programming mixed-use projects with changing urban dynamics and user profile
Uğur, Emre; Sargın, Güven Arif; Department of Architecture (2015)
The thesis investigates mixed-use projects and their functions and these projects' relationships with urban from urban scale to the building scale with examining mixed-use idea and mixed-use environments in urbanization processes from industrial revolution and post-industrial urbanization to the modernization, postmodernization and eventually context of globalization. Existing structures in post-industrial era, development of modern cities, modernism, post-modernism and neoliberal globalization, are analyze...
Imagineering: a model approach for futuristic design thinking in urbanism
Çalışkan, Olgu; Yavuz, Irmak (Thomas Telford Ltd., 2020-02-01)
Under the prevailing condition of uncertainty that postulates the impossibility of predicting the long-term future of the contemporary urban societies, spatial planning and design seemingly require new methodologies for an effective future perspective on the human settlements. Used to rely on forecasting as an extrapolation technique projecting no further than 15-20 years ahead in practice, the profession largely falls insufficient to suggest a forward-thinking approach, today. To transcend such settled 'sh...
Citation Formats
G. Güner, “CHANGING WORKSPACES AND URBAN EXPERIENCES OF CREATIVE LABOR: THE CASE OF ISTANBUL,” M.C.P. - Master of City Planning, Middle East Technical University, 2021.