Strut and Tie Topology for Reinforced Concrete Elements

Strut and Tie Model (STM) is a lower-bound design method for reinforced concrete members. It is usuallypreferred for non-standard structural elements for which internal forces are not well-defined. In recent years,studies and applications on STM have increased considerably. Topology optimization methods are generallyused to find struts and ties. Once locations and orientations of reinforcements are available, the design procedureis rather easy to apply, even for complex geometries. However, finding the STM topology is not a straightforwardprocedure. In this study, STM topology is obtained automatically by applying a simple algorithm. Thealgorithm involves coupled computations carried out on an analog lattice model and a continuum model. Thestiffness of lattice elements is iteratively modified based on internal force distribution. Similarly, elasticitymodulus of continuum is modified based on principal stress distribution. During this process, redundant latticeelements and continuum elements disappear. Lattice model and continuum model affect each other to arrive at anoptimized STM topology. Solutions obtained with the developed algorithm is compared with availablecomputational results from literature and good agreements are observed. Furthermore, STM topology for a nontrivialgeometry is presented to demonstrate the applicability of the methodology.


Pseudo Dynamic Testing of an RC Frame Retrofitted with Chevron Braces
ÖZÇELİK, RAMAZAN; Binici, Barış; Kurç, Özgür (2012-01-01)
Two-story three-bay reinforced concrete frames with and without chevron brace was tested using pseudo dynamic test method. The chevron braces were implemented to the interior span of the RC frame. Chevron-braced frame was observed to be effective to control inter-story drift demands. Based on the observed damage state and dynamic response of the test frames, performance states were discussed for different scales of Duzce ground motions. The test results were compared with the results of the nonlinear time h...
Experimental Determination of Resistance Characteristics of Support Details Used in Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders
Baran, Eray; French, Catherine; Schultz, Arturo (American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2009-09-01)
Static load tests were performed on support details used at the ends of prestressed concrete pedestrian bridge girders to determine the resistance characteristics of girder supports in the direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the girders. The specimens tested represent support details that have also been widely used in prestressed concrete highway bridges in Minnesota and in other states. Two specimens, one representing the free-end detail and one representing the restrained-end detail were s...
Lifetime performance analysis of existing steel girder bridge superstructures
Akgül, Ferhat (American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2004-12-01)
A general method for lifetime performance analysis of existing steel girder bridges is presented. Only the superstructure components are considered. The formulation is established by identifying four distinct categories: limit state equations, random variables, deterministic parameters, and constant coefficients. The limit state equations are derived by strictly adhering to the load and capacity formulas and requirements set forth in AASHTO specifications. Generality is pursued by establishing parametric li...
Optimizing Single-Span Steel Truss Bridges with Simulated Annealing
Hasançebi, Oğuzhan (2010-11-01)
This study presents applications of a simulated annealing integrated solution algorithm to the optimum design of single-span steel truss bridges subjected to gravity loadings. In the optimum design process of a bridge the members are sized simultaneously as the coordinates of the upper chord nodes are determined such that the least design weight is attained for the structure. The design constraints and limitations are imposed in accordance with serviceability and strength provisions of ASD-AISC (Allowable S...
Reliability-based optimization of river bridges using artificial intelligence techniques
Turan, K. Hakan; Yanmaz, Ali Melih (Canadian Science Publishing, 2011-10-01)
Proper bridge design is based on joint consideration of structural, hydraulic, and geotechnical conformities. An optimization-based methodology has been developed to obtain appropriate dimensions of a river bridge to meet these aspects. Structural and geotechnical design parts use a statistically-based artificial neural network (ANN) model. Therefore, relevant data were collected from many bridge projects and analyzed to form a matrix. Artificial neural network architectures are used in the objective functi...