Analysis of Laminated Glass Units

Vallabhan, C. V. Girija
Das, YC
Magdi, M
Aşık, Mehmet Zülfü
Bailey, JR
Laminated glass units used for glazing buildings consist of two thin glass plates bonded together by a thin core material, called polyvinyl butyral (PVB). As the plates are usually thin and undergo large lateral displacements, the conventional thin plate theory cannot be applied; instead, a nonlinear theory of plates has to be employed. As well, the interlayer, though soft in material properties, provides significant change in the overall behavior of the composite. Variational calculus and minimum potential energy theorem are employed to obtain the five nonlinear differential equations with appropriate boundary conditions; these equations are solved numerically with iteration. Experiments were conducted at the Glass Research and Testing Laboratory at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, to validate the mathematical model. Laminated glass units 1.524 m x 1.524 m (60 in. x 60 in.) in size with two glass plates each 4.763 mm (0,1875 in.) thick with a PVB of thickness equal to 1.52 mm (0.06 in.) were tested up to a lateral pressure of 6.895 kPa (1 psi). Lateral displacements and strains at four different locations at the top and bottom of the units were measured. The experimental results are compared with those from the mathematical model and presented in this paper.


Analysis of laminated glass arches and cylindrical shells
Dural, Ebru; Aşık, Mehmet Zülfü; Department of Engineering Sciences (2011)
In this study, a laminated glass unit which consists of two glass sheets bonded together by PVB is analyzed as a curved beam and as a cylindrical shell. Laminated glass curved beams and shells are used in architecture, aerospace, automobile and aircraft industries. Curved beam and shell structures differ from straight structures because of their initial curvature. Because of mathematical complexity most of the studies are about linear behavior rather than nonlinear behavior of curved beam and shell units. T...
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Aşık, Mehmet Zülfü (SAGE Publications, 2007-09-01)
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Zeybek, Ozer; Topkaya, Cem; Rotter, J. Michael (Elsevier BV, 2019-02-01)
Elevated cylindrical metal silos are often supported on a ring beam which rests on discrete column supports. The ring beam plays an important role in redistributing the majority of the discrete forces from the column supports into a more uniform stress state in the cylindrical wall, which is necessary to reduce the potential for buckling of the shell wall.
Studies on visual detection and surface modification testing of glass microfiber filter paper based biosensor
Adiguzel, Yekbun; Külah, Haluk (Elsevier BV, 2014-04-15)
Glass microfibers are commonly used as biomolecule adsorption media, as structural or disposable components of the optical biosensors. While any improvement in these components are appreciated, utilizing basic tools of traditional approaches may lead to original sensor opportunities as simple, functional designs that can be easily disseminated. Following this pursuit, surface modification of glass microfiber paper surface was performed by 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) and resulting improvement in the...
Effect of Delamination on the Strength of Laminated Glass Plate Structures
Aşık, Mehmet Zülfü (2013-11-17)
Laminated glass which consists of two glass sheets connected to each other with PVB interlayer is used in many engineering applications for years. Despite the long history of the use of laminated glass in buildings there are serious problems about delamination of laminated glass units. This paper provides information about delamination issues of laminated glass plate structures. Delamination of laminated glass unit may be due to the thinning of PVB (Polyvinyl Butyral) interlayer or the folds which occur dur...