Rusça'da Ad ve Nicelik Öbeğine Durum Verilmesi

Pamir Dietrich, Ayşe
Bu makalede Rusça'da nicelik öbekleri ve bunlarla kullanılan adlara ve sıfatlara durum verilmesi incelenmiş ve nicelik öbekleriyle kullanılan 'iyi' sıfatıyla ilgili Mel'çuk ve Franks'in analizlerinin bu sıfatın Ny içinde Tamlayan Durumu almasının nedenlerini açıklamakta yetersiz kaldığı gözlemlenmiştir.
Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi


Connective position, argument order and ınformation structure of discourse connectives in written turkish texts
Demirşahin, Işın; Bozşahin, Hüseyin Cem; Department of Cognitive Sciences (2008)
A text is a linguistic structure that is more than a random collection of sentences. A text is cohesive (Halliday & Hasan, 1976) and coherent (Mann & Thompson, 1987, 1988). Mainly ignored in the field of linguistics until recently, the text and the discourse structure have been inquired from various points of view (Asher, 1993; Asher & Lascarides, 1998; Grosz & Sidner, 1986; Mann & Thompson, 1987, 1988; Webber, 2004). D-LTAG is a discourse grammar work that extends a lexicalized sentence level grammar LTAG ...
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The analysis of contrastive discourse connectives in Turkish
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Focalization in verbal and graphic narratives: jane austen’s pride and prejudice and its graphic novel adaptation
Özen Koyuncuoğlu, Altınay; Öztabak Avcı, Elif; Department of English Literature (2021-3-11)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the distinction between narration and focalization in both verbal narratives and graphic narratives. The differences and similarities between verbal and graphic narratives in terms of narration and focalization will be explained via a comparative analysis of Pride and Prejudice (1813) by Jane Austen and its graphic novel adaptation by Marvel Illustrated (2009). The verbal narrative of Pride and Prejudice will be analyzed in the light of Gérard Genette’s conceptualization...
Nominalization and Argument Structure: An Experiment with the NOMLEX Database
Kızıldemir, Melis; Bozşahin, Hüseyin Cem; Department of Cognitive Sciences (2022-8-31)
This study presents a method for predicting syntactic structures of deverbal event nominals that are derived from verbs used in their transitive meaning. The study takes a data-driven approach and fine-tunes pre-trained deep learning models. The problem is treated as a 15 class multi-label classification task and NOMLEX is used to create the classes. In order to leverage the language models learned by pre-trained models, sentences available in corpora which include the verb that the deverbal nominal is deri...
Citation Formats
A. Pamir Dietrich, “Rusça’da Ad ve Nicelik Öbeğine Durum Verilmesi,” Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 42, no. 1-2, pp. 23–42, 2002, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: