The role of property relations in the evolution of urban space and urban design approaches

Günay, Baykan


The inter-urban settlement system: the case of United Arab Emirates
Eldouni, Khaled; Gedik, Ayşe; Department of City and Regional Planning (1993)
The changing morphology of urban greenways, Ankara, 1923-1960
Burat, Sinan; Aktüre, Sevgi; Department of City and Regional Planning (2008)
Despite the abundance of descriptive studies on the urban development plans of Ankara, analytical studies on specific features of these plans, especially on implementation and modification processes are scarce. This study examines the green space structure brought in Jansen’s 1932 development plan of Ankara, the way it was implemented and the modifications that a component of this structure was subject to. The 1932 Jansen plan is a holistic and comprehensive plan that contained a conceptual green space stru...
The question of freedom in political philosophies of thomas hobbes and jean-jacques rousseau
Yiğit, Pervin; Turan, ŞHalil; Department of Philosophy (2007)
This thesis aims to examine the question of freedom in its relation to political authority in social contract theories of Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). In order to do that, discussions on human nature, evolution into political association and the foundations of legitimate governments are focused on. As the social contract theories of Hobbes and Rousseau mainly seek for rational justification of political obligation, the primary aim of this thesis is to analyze the nature o...
The physical evolution of the historic city of Ankara between 1839 and 1944: a morphological analysis
Mıhçıoğlu Bilgi, Elif; Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ; Department of Architecture (2010)
The historic core of Ankara, has been subject to a rapid change and deterioration increasingly after 1950s, losing most of its original qualities. This thesis analyzes the spatial evolution of the historic city from 1839 to 1940s with the objective to restitute the preexisting urban fabric and the transformation that took place before 1950s. The Early Republican period was critical in the transformation of the historic core as well as in the development of Ankara that was to be shaped as the ‘model city’ fo...
The role of local and global networking for tourism firms and clusters : the case of Antalya
Erkuş Öztürk, Hilal; Eraydın, Ayda; Department of City and Regional Planning (2008)
The aim of this thesis is to explore the role of local and global networking, institutionalization and institutional thickness of tourism firms and clusters in order to explain their contribution to tourism development. Recent development literature emphasizes the crucial role of different level of networks, institutionalizations and clustering in the development of regions. In this respect, this thesis tries to explore the role of networks, new organizational set-ups and clustering by adapting them to tour...
Citation Formats
B. Günay, “The role of property relations in the evolution of urban space and urban design approaches,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1995.