Pomodoro Tekniği: Hayat Kurtaran Zaman Yönetimi Sistemi



Semi-supervised iterative teacher-student learning for monocular depth estimation
Süvari, Cemal Barışkan; Halıcı, Uğur; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2021-2-18)
Advances in robotics area and autonomous vehicles have increased the need for accurate depth measurements. Depth estimation is one of the oldest problems of computer vision area. While the depth can be estimated by using many methods, finding a cheap and efficient way of doing it was studied for many years. Although, depth measurements using Lidar sensors or RGB-D cameras provides accurate results, due to cost and narrow applicability they are not very effective. On the other hand, using deep learning archi...
Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Davası
Güneş, Şule (2006-03-01)
Macaristan ile Çekoslovakya arasında 1977 yılında yapılan andlaşma ile Tuna nehrinin bu iki ülke arasında aynı zamanda sınır oluşturan kesimi üzerinde, üç ayrı baraj ve ek tesisler yapılması kararlaştırılmıştı. Projenin uygulanmaya başlanmasından bir süre sonra Macaristan ekolojik nedenler ileri sürerek, projeyi önce askıya aldı, sonra da durdurdu. 1992 yılında da tek taraflı bildirimle 1977 Andlaşmasının sona erdiğini açıkladı. Projenin Çekoslovakya ayağında ise Gabcikovo barajının tamamlanmasının ardından...
Profeminist men : disguised allies of feminism in the academia?
Akis, Yasemin; Ecevit, Fatma Yıldız; Department of Gender and Women's Studies (2006)
The number of men within the academia who analyze patriarchy, masculinities and gender inequality seem to be increasing in Turkey especially for the last couple of years. This can be considered as an evidence for the influence of feminism over men. Although more men today are interested in those fields of feminism to criticize men’s hegemony, it is rather important to know that how much extent they are open to change their relation with patriarchy in order to confront it. This study attempts to provide a cr...
Monorail : an alternative transportation mode for METU
Gökbulut, Alev; Savaş Sargın, Ayşen; Department of Architecture (2003)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate an alternative mode of transportation for METU and the impacts of spatial transformations generated by the proposed system in an architectural context. This study embraces modern concepts of space-time in the practice of architectural design, and involves a sensitive consideration of the perception of space relative to position, speed and movement. In an urban context, the thesis unfolds spatial transformations affected by new movement technology. While the notions o...
Docomomo Türkiye Ulusal Çalışma Grubu Poster Sunuşları Türkiye Mimarlığında Modernizmin Yerel Açılımları XII- 2016: Bursa Tuz Pazarı Çarşı Binaları
Okumuş, Gökhan (null; 2016-12-16)
Citation Formats
E. Eret, Pomodoro Tekniği: Hayat Kurtaran Zaman Yönetimi Sistemi. 2019.