Presentation of a multi-tone model and its application to feedforward circuit analysis

Coskun, Hakan
Mutlu, Ahmet
Demir, Şimşek
Analytical tools that characterize nonlinear systems are essential and need to be developed for initial rapid optimizations and understanding of the system performance. Modeling of the input signal is a crucial part of this task. In this work, we present a multi-tone representation for an arbitrary, stochastically not well-defined signal and its application to a feedforward circuit which involve two nonlinear amplifiers, couplers, phase and delay units. Particularly, amplitude and phase aspects of the model are highlighted and verified with RF simulations performed by real power amplifiers and components.
Conference Proceedings- 34th European Microwave Conference


A multitone model of complex enveloped signals and its application in feedforward circuit analysis
Coskun, AH; Mutlu, Ayşe Ceyda; Demir, S (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2005-06-01)
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Citation Formats
H. Coskun, A. Mutlu, and Ş. Demir, “Presentation of a multi-tone model and its application to feedforward circuit analysis,” London, İngiltere, 2004, vol. 1, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: