Türkçedeki ilgi-iyelik yapılarının anlaşılmasında yapısal hazırlama: Kendi-hızıyla okuma ve göz izleme çalışmaları

Hohenberger, Annette
Bahadır, Gözde


An investigation of Turkish static spatial semantics in terms of lexical variety: an eye tracking study
Ertekin, Şeyma Nur; Acartürk, Cengiz; Department of Cognitive Sciences (2021-8)
The semantics of spatial terms has been attracting the attention of researchers for the past several decades. As an understudied language, Turkish presents an appropriate test bed for studying the generalizability of semantic characterization of spatial terms across languages. Turkish also exhibits unique characteristics, such as the use of locative case markers and being an agglutinative language. The present study reports an eye-tracking investigation of comprehension of spatial terms in Turkish by employ...
Türkçede İlgi İçtümcelerinin İliştirme Belirsizliğinde Kurucu Sıklıklarının Rolü
Kırkıcı, Bilal; Kütükoğlu, Ayşe İrem; Yücesoy, Gizem (null; 2009-01-01)
Perceptual span in Turkish reading: a study on parafoveal information intake
Ormanoğlu, Zuhal; Acartürk, Cengiz; Department of Cognitive Sciences (2017)
Perceptual span is the visual region where useful information can be collected at one fixation. This thesis investigates the size of the perceptual span of Turkish readers. Rayner (1975) found that the size of the perceptual span for English readers is about 14-15 characters to the right and 3-4 characters to the left of fixation. However, different characteristics of languages affect the size of the perceptual span. Being an agglutinative language and having shallow orthography are two features of Turkish ...
A tune-based account of Turkish information structure
Özge, Umut; Bozşahin, Hüseyin Cem; Zeyrek, Deniz; Department of Cognitive Sciences (2003)
Languages differ in the means they avail themselves of for the structural realization of information structure, where available options are word order,prosody and morphology. Turkish has long been characterized as predominantly using word order and its variation in realizing information structure, where certain positions in a sentence are associated with certain pragmatic functions related to information structure. Prosody has been proposed to play only a secondary role interacting with word order. Contrar...
Metapragmatics of (im)politeness in Turkish: an exploratory emic investigation
Güler Işık, Hale; Ruhi, Şükriye; Department of English Language Education (2008)
Adopting an eclectic analytic perspective of discourse analysis, conversation analysis and functional approaches, this study conducts an in-depth pragmatic analysis and describes the function of three pragmatic particles yani, iste and sey in casual, conversational Turkish. All three particles have multiple functions, which are described by reference to occurrences in utterances within three different domains of conversation. While utterance initial occurrences of yani are mainly connective and continuative...
Citation Formats
A. Hohenberger and G. Bahadır, “Türkçedeki ilgi-iyelik yapılarının anlaşılmasında yapısal hazırlama: Kendi-hızıyla okuma ve göz izleme çalışmaları,” 2012. Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/95797.