Znpc/c60 fotovolkanik ince filmlerin güneş enerjisidönüşümünde verimlilik sınır nedenlerinin incelenmesi



Zn Sn Se İnce Filmlerinin Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu
Güllü, Hasan Hüseyin; Bayraklı, Özge; Parlak, Mehmet; Terlemezoğlu, Makbule (2016-12-16)
ZnSnS2 ince filmlerinin Isısal buharlaştırma tekniği ile üretilmesi ve özelliklerinin belirlenmesi
Parlak, Mehmet; Erçelebi, Ayşe Çiğdem(2015-12-31)
Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S yada Te)2 (CIGS), CIT, CIS kalkopirit ince filmleri yüksek soğurma katsayıları ve uygun band yapılarından dolayi güneş pili uygulaması için uygun yarıiletken malzemelerdendir. Son yıllarda yapılan CIGS aygit çalışmalari, bu pillerin verimliliklerinin laboratuvar ölçeginde %20 seviyelerinde olduğunu göstermiştir[1-5]. Bu nedenden dolayı diğer ince film güneş pilleri arasında popüler olmaya başlamıştır. Bu filmlerin hetero eklem yapısı genelde ZnO:Al/ZnO/CdS/CI(G)S/Mo/cam şeklindedir [6]. Pil...
Investigation of structural and electronic properties of ZnCdTe ternary alloy nanostructures
Kurban, Mustafa; Erkoç, Şakir; Department of Physics (2016)
Nanostructures, including II-VI compound semiconductors, have attracted enormous attention in a wide range of applications of nanotechnology due to the unusual mechanical, electrical and thermal properties under varying size, geometry, temperature and pressure when compared to corresponding bulk materials. However, these properties are not directly measurable by experiments because of the methods or the availability of the experimental tools, so theoretical models and computations play an important role in ...
Material and device characterization of ZnİnSe2 and Cu0.5Ag0.5İnSe2 thin films for photovoltaic applications
Güllü, Hasan Hüseyin; Parlak, Mehmet; Erçelebi, Ayşe Çiğdem; Department of Physics (2016)
In this work, material and device characterization of n-type ZnInSe2 (ZIS) and p-type Cu0.5Ag0.5InSe2 (CAIS) polycrystalline thin films were investigated under the aim of possible photovoltaic applications. ZIS polycrystalline structure is a ternary chalcopyrite semiconductor belongs to the group of II-III-VI compounds with the interest of II-VI binary analog of ZnSe structure. Similar to its binary analogs, it has a high band gap value, however low resistivity values compared to ZnSe structure, so that it ...
On the complexity of shapes embedded in ZN
Arslan, Mazlum Ferhat; Tarı, Zehra Sibel; Department of Computer Engineering (2019)
Shape complexity is a hard-to-quantify quality, mainly due to its relative nature. In common view, circles are considered to be the simplest shapes. However, when implemented in computer, none of the circularity measures yield the expected scores for the circle. This is because digital domain (Z^n) realizations of circles are only approximations to the ideal form. Consequently, complexity orders computed in reference to circle are unstable. As a remedy, we consider squares to be the simplest shapes relative...
Citation Formats
O. Esentürk, “Znpc/c60 fotovolkanik ince filmlerin güneş enerjisidönüşümünde verimlilik sınır nedenlerinin incelenmesi,” 2014. Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/95811.