Scale-free correlations in collective motion with position-based interactions

Ferrante, Eliseo
Turgut, Ali Emre
Wenseleers, Tom
Huepe, Cristián
14. Artificial Life Conference ALIFE2014


Scale Normalization for Isometric Shape Matching
Sahillioğlu, Yusuf; Yemez, Y. (2012-09-01)
We address the scale problem inherent to isometric shape correspondence in a combinatorial matching framework. We consider a particular setting of the general correspondence problem where one of the two shapes to be matched is an isometric (or nearly isometric) part of the other up to an arbitrary scale. We resolve the scale ambiguity by finding a coarse matching between shape extremities based on a novel scale-invariant isometric distortion measure. The proposed algorithm also supports (partial) dense matc...
Scale dependence of reaction rates in porous media
Meile, C; Tuncay, Kağan (Elsevier BV, 2006-01-01)
Elemental turnover in porous media depends on substrate concentrations at the pore-scale. In this study, the effect of small scale variability in concentration fields on reaction rate estimates and the validity of the continuum approximation in reactive transport models are investigated via a pore-scale numerical model. Artificial porous media are generated using an identical overlapping sphere algorithm. By comparison between explicit pore-scale simulations and macroscopic continuum approximations, it is s...
Scale Invariant Sillhouette Features
Akagündüz, Erdem (2013-01-01)
In this study, a feature extractor and a global descriptor for closed planar curves, i.e. silhouettes, are proposed. Initially, the closed curve is arc-length sampled and the Gaussian scale-space is constructed. Using the absolute curvature values and orientations of the curves within the higher scale levels, scale invariant features are obtained. These features are transformed into a global descriptor, namely the feature images, and shape recognition is performed. The proposed method is evaluated using a s...
Scale invariant representation of 2 5D data
AKAGUNDUZ, Erdem; ULUSOY PARNAS, İLKAY; BOZKURT, Nesli; Halıcı, Uğur (2007-06-13)
In this paper, a scale and orientation invariant feature representation for 2.5D objects is introduced, which may be used to classify, detect and recognize objects even under the cases of cluttering and/or occlusion. With this representation a 2.5D object is defined by an attributed graph structure, in which the nodes are the pit and peak regions on the surface. The attributes of the graph are the scales, positions and the normals of these pits and peaks. In order to detect these regions a "peakness" (or pi...
Scale models and computer simulations for predicting acoustics of enclosures
Aşan, Buket; Çalışkan, Mehmet; Saranlı, Türel; Department of Architecture (1997)
Citation Formats
E. Ferrante, A. E. Turgut, T. Wenseleers, and C. Huepe, “Scale-free correlations in collective motion with position-based interactions,” presented at the 14. Artificial Life Conference ALIFE2014, New York, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 2014, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: