Ethnic and religious nationalism in Turkey: the cases of Atsiz and Arvasi

Yıldız, Tunahan
Kizir, Didem
This article compares the ideas of Huseyin Nihal Atsiz and Seyyid Ahmet Arvasi, two iconic ideologues of ethnic and religious nationalism in Turkey, respectively, on the issues of history, identity, and national ideal. It first argues that Atsiz mainly presents a history of Turkish supremacism whereas Arvasi embraces a method of Islamization to remember history. It also demonstrates that Atsiz tends to equate the racial and the national while Arvasi uses Islamic legitimacy for Turkish identity and nationalism. It is also evident that while Atsiz offers classical pan-nationalism, Arvasi shows third-worldist and universalistic tendencies in defining Turkish destiny.


Everyday Nationalism in Turkey: Construction of Turkishness in Nevşehir
Ravanoğlu Yılmaz, Sezen; Çırakman Deveci, Aslı; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2022-9-28)
This thesis aims to understand in a period in which Islamist and ethnic nationalism become a dominant paradigm in Turkish politics, in a small- sized nationalist and conservative central Anatolian city, Nevşehir. Right-wing political parties representing political Islam and ethnic nationalism have historically always been strong in Nevşehir. This thesis aims to reveal how Turkishness is discursively constructed and reproduced by everyday actors from different political positions in Nevşehir. For this purpos...
The Repertoires of Religious Nationalism: The Case of Ismet Ozel
Yıldız, Tunahan; Çengel, Esra (2022-10-01)
This article problematizes the study of religious nationalism, which lacks conceptual, religious, and nationalist "seriousness." These problems of "seriousness" obscure the nature of religious nationalism as they overstretch and do not do justice to the concepts of religious nationalism, religion, and nationalism, respectively. Seeking for the nature of and a path to religious nationalism, it is suggested that the later writings of Ismet Ozel, a well-known poet and public intellectual in Turkey, make an emb...
Nationalist conservatism and its enemies: communists, jews, donmehs and free masons in Büyük Doğu, Serdengeçti and Sebilürreşad
Karakuş, Ece; Erdoğan, Necmi; Department of Media and Cultural Studies (2014)
This study offers an analysis of the representation of the enemies for nationalist conservative discourse, which has an ongoing influence on the present day Turkish right-wing politics. It aims to illuminate how and why the communists, Jews, Donmehs and Free Masons are articulated as the enemies vis-a-vis the Turkish nation in the discourse of nationalist conservative intellectuals, including Necip Fazıl Kısakürek, Osman Yüksel Serdengeçti and Eşref Edib Fergan. To this aim, the periodicals of Büyük Doğu, S...
Continuity and change in nationalist discourse in Albania during national awakening, communism and post-communism periods
Sulstarova, Enis; Akçalı, Pınar; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2002)
This thesis analyses the nationalist discourse in Albania during three periods of its modern history: National Awakening (1878-1912), Communism (1944-1990) and Post-Communism (1990-2002). The aim is, with the help of recent scientific literature on the subject of nationalism, to investigate the continuities and changes in nationalist discourse in Albania and the socio-political reasons behind them.
Turkish nationalism and the Kurdish question
Yegen, Mesut (2007-01-01)
This article addresses the ways in which Turkish nationalism has perceived the Kurdish question. It is shown that both Turkish nationalism and the Kurdish question have passed through some paradigmatic moments in the twentieth century. This, I argue, has shaped the way that the Kurdish question has been perceived by Turkish nationalism. While the Kurdish question had been seen by Turkish nationalism mostly in terms of a fatal rivalry between the backward, pre-modern and tribal past and the prosperous presen...
Citation Formats
T. Yıldız and D. Kizir, “Ethnic and religious nationalism in Turkey: the cases of Atsiz and Arvasi,” TURKISH STUDIES, pp. 0–0, 2022, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: