Calculation of the T-X phase diagram for the first-order smectic-hexatic transitions in binary mixtures

Kilit Dogan, E.
Yurtseven, Hasan Hamit
This work gives the T-X phase diagram calculated from the Landau mean field model for the smectic-hexatic transitions in binary mixtures, particularly, in THI-13+THI-17. It is calculated near the SmC-SmF (Hex F)-Hex B triple point by considering transitions of SmC-SmF, SmF-HexB, and SmC-Hex B as the first order. The phase line equations are fitted to the experimental T-X phase diagram from the literature for this binary mixture by assuming the temperature and concentration dependence of the coefficients in the Landau free energy expansion. Calculations are given in some detail to describe the smectic-hexatic transitions in the THI-13+THI-17, which can also be considered for other binary mixtures under the Landau mean field model studied here.
Physics of Fluids


Calculation of the P-T phase diagram of nitrogen using a mean field model
Enginer, Y.; Algul, G.; Yurtseven, Hasan Hamit (2017-12-20)
The P-T phase diagram is calculated at low and moderate pressures by obtaining the phase line equations for the transitions considered in nitrogen using the Landau phenomenological model. For some transitions, a quadratic coupling between the order parameters is taken into account in the expansion of free energies in terms of the order parameters. A quadratic function in T and P is fitted to the experimental P-T data from the literature and the fitted parameters are determined.
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Calculation of the soft mode frequency for the alpha beta transition in quartz
Yurtseven, Hasan Hamit (null; 2015-09-18)
The Raman frequencies of the lattice modes (147 cm-1 and 207 cm-1 are analyzed for the α-β transition in quartz according to a power-law formula with the critical exponent by using the experimental data. The temperature dependence of the Raman frequency is associated with the order parameter (polarization P) for this transition in the quartz crystal. The damping constant of the lattice modes studied here is calculated using the Raman frequencies at various temperatures for the α-β transition in quartz (Tc =...
Yurtseven, Hasan Hamit (Romanian Academy - Revue Roumaine De Chimie, 2019-03-01)
The temperature-pressure (T-P) phase diagrams are calculated using the mean field models for the solid-fluid (first order) and, the solid-solid transitions of the delta-delta(loc) (second order) and delta(loc)-epsilon (first order) in nitrogen. By expanding the free energy in terms of the order parameters, the phase line equations are derived and they are fitted to the experimental data from the literature for this molecular crystal. For the fitting procedure, the coefficients in the free energy expansion a...
Calculation of the Liquid-Solid Phase Diagram and the Thermodynamic Quantities of the Binary System of Tetradecane and Hexadecane Using the Mean Field Theory
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The T - x phase diagram of a binary system of tetradecane + hexadecane is calculated using the Landau phenomenological model. Expressions derived for the phase lines are fitted to experimental data from the literature and the fitted parameters are determined for the transitions of liquid-solid I, liquid-solid II and solid I-solid II in this binary system. The temperature dependence of the thermodynamic quantities, including the order parameter, susceptibility, enthalpy, entropy, heat capacity, thermal expan...
Citation Formats
E. Kilit Dogan and H. H. Yurtseven, “Calculation of the T-X phase diagram for the first-order smectic-hexatic transitions in binary mixtures,” Physics of Fluids, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 0–0, 2022, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: