An analysis of regional distribution of commerical bank deposits vs Loans in Turkey:1970-1989

Yener, Mehmet Cüneyt


An Empirical Analysis of the Bank Lending Channel in Turkey
Ozsuca, Ekin Ayse; Akbostancı Özkazanç, Elif (2013-07-01)
The purpose of this paper is to empirically analyze the role of the banking sector in monetary policy transmission in Turkey covering the period 1988-2009. By exploiting dynamic panel data modeling approaches, the heterogeneity in banks' lending response to changes in policy interest rates is analyzed. Given the changes in the policy stance and developments in the financial system following the 2000-01 crisis, the analysis is further conducted for the two sub-periods, 1988-2001 and 2002-2009, to examine whe...
Kasapoğlu, Koray; Yıldırım, Ali (2016-05-14)
An Analysis of mobile phone usage with respect to Turkish users
Yetkin, Mehmet; Asatekin, Mehmet; Department of Architecture (2001)
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Koşar, Gizem; Kırdar, Murat G.; Department of Economics (2009)
This thesis analyzes the tenure choice behavior of Turkish household heads over the period between 1985 and 2000, using a method of logit. The probability of owning the housing unit an individual lives in, is modeled by using demographic, labor market, migrational characteristics of the household head and the provincial differences as the explanatory variables. The results show that age and education of the household heads are positively correlated with probability of homeownership and they are the most inf...
An econometric analysis of fertility transition in Turkey
Yaşıt, Bilge; Tansel, Aysıt; Department of Economics (2007)
Fertility levels are investigated in the thesis because significant changes have occurred recently in the fertility levels in Turkey. It is necessary to understand the factors related to fertility level declines to determine how people behave with regard to their fertility in Turkey. It is only after understanding people’s behavior then it is possible to develop appropriate social and governmental policies. It is possible to evaluate the fertility level declines from different points of view. There are two ...
Citation Formats
M. C. Yener, “An analysis of regional distribution of commerical bank deposits vs Loans in Turkey:1970-1989,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 1991.