Privatization in Turkey. an assesment.

Örs, Evren


Privatization in Turkey:The case of TELETAŞ
Güngör, Pınar; Kepenek, Yakup; Department of Economics (1997)
Privatization in the Turkish Electricity Sector.
Kış, Mehmet; Sevaioğlu, Osman; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1996)
Privatization and efficiency:the case of Turkish cement industry
Saygılı, Şeref; Taymaz, Erol; Department of Economics (1995)
Privatization Policies in Turkey after the Elections of 2002
Okyayuz, Mehmet (2010-06-04)
Privatization, Ownership and Technical Efficiency a Study of the Turkish Cement Industry
Saygili, Seref; Taymaz, Erol (2001-12-01)
This paper presents an empirical study of the effects of ownership and privatization on technical efficiency in the Turkish cement industry. We first summarize the characteristics of the Turkish cement industry and changes in industrial structure in the post-privatization period. The effects of ownership and privatization on technical efficiency are estimated using the stochastic production frontier approach. The empirical tests presented, which use data on all cement plants in Turkey, suggest that neither ...
Citation Formats
E. Örs, “Privatization in Turkey. an assesment.,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 1992.