The foreign policy of the United States towards Saudi Arabia and Iran in the 21st century

Tokar, Cansu
This thesis aims to provide an analysis of the United States foreign policy towards the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran in the 21st century. In doing so, a leadership styles perspective under Foreign Policy Analysis is adopted to categorize different approaches of three United States presidents: George Walker Bush (2001-2009), Barack Hussein Obama (2009- 2017), and Donald John Trump (2017-2021). Both Saudi Arabia and Iran have been influential actors in the Middle East and hereby, the foreign policy of the United States towards both actors has been significant. Through a study concerning the developments of the 21st century, this study tries to reflect how the United States foreign policy has changed according to the United States Presidents in charge.


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Citation Formats
C. Tokar, “The foreign policy of the United States towards Saudi Arabia and Iran in the 21st century,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2022.