A study on quality improvements for oxidation pond effluents by rock filters.

Oran, Banu


Kurter, Ege Can; Yanmaz, Ali Melih; Çalamak, Melih; Department of Civil Engineering (2022-12-16)
The initial filling is considered to be the first safety test of the embankment followed after construction. The earth material acts significantly different during the first interaction with water. The majority of the failures occur during initial filling. The reasons of failures are mainly attributable to crack formation and internal erosion followed by piping. The filling is commonly practiced in multi-stages where intermediary holds are provided for monitoring purposes before the embankment is further lo...
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Yılmaz, Mustafa; Tokyay, Mustafa; Öztürk, Abdullah; Department of Cement Engineering (2012)
A considerable amount of waste is obtained as a result of edge-cutting operations during cement-bonded wood particle board (CBWPB) manufacturing. This waste material which basically contains wood chips and hydrated cement has to be disposed of and does not have any economical value. However, it can be burned in cement rotary kilns and may result in energy savings to a certain extent due to the presence of wood particles as a secondary fuel and since the hydrated cement may be decomposed and then reform clin...
Citation Formats
B. Oran, “A study on quality improvements for oxidation pond effluents by rock filters.,” Middle East Technical University, 1993.