Çavuşoğlu, Tutku
This study aims to analyzing the origins of the principle of devolution of powers in the Ottoman Administration. It is tried to explain that the reforms that started with the Tanzimat Edict were made due to a pressure from the people, through the rebellions, complaints and discontent against public administration in various regions. The modernization theory are criticized over the approaches in the works of various authors, with the claim of thesis that the reform process is connected with a pressure coming from below, rather than reading through individuals or bureaucrats. The reform texts related to the administration from the Tanzimat Edict to the Temporary Law on General Provincial Administration of 1913 are examined not only on the basis of the principle of devolution of powers, but also on the transformation in the administration in order to create a general panoramic picture. After examining the first period in which the powers of the governors were taken away with the Muhassıllık Institution, the 1842 Regulation, the 1846 Regulation and the 1849 Regulation, respectively, and the governors were turned into simple and unauthorized civil servants in the center. With the 1852 Regulation and the following 1858 Regulation and its drawbacks were understood and the principle of devolution of powers introduced into the Ottoman Administrative System. Furthermore, other administrative reform texts that follow are discussed in terms of reform. In addition, the transition to the provincial system in the 1860s and the development of the principle of devolution of powers through the position of the governor and the transformation of the administration are searched in this thesis. With the promulgation of the Ottoman Basic Law and other supporting administrative texts and the last province law in 1913, the transformation of the Ottoman Administrative System was completed and transferred to the Republic of Turkey.


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Citation Formats
T. Çavuşoğlu, “ORIGINS OF THE PRINCIPLE OF DEVOLUTION OF POWERS IN OTTOMAN ADMINISTRATION,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2022.