Vision of Modernity in the Early Turkish Republic: An Overview

: This article presents the main debates and existing lines of investigation about the foundation of the actual Turkey and which have been the factors of its process of modernization, examining the meaning and the principles of the kemalist political movement and its influence in the conformation of the contemporary Turkish State. Elements such as the political Islamism, the Kurd nationalism and the projects of integration with Europe are analyzed. As result of the combination of these factors, Turkish political history has lived in a state on permanent tension between the secular sectors and the religious/ Islamic /conservative one. In order to solve such dilemma, the presence of soldiers and their intervention to solve many coup d'etats have been constant.______________________
Actual- Historia Online


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Citation Formats
N. Şeker, “Vision of Modernity in the Early Turkish Republic: An Overview,” Actual- Historia Online, pp. 49–56, 2007, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: