A decision support system for a cource scheduling problem

Erdal, Nejat Alper


A model for performance evaluation and stock optimization in a kit management problem
GÜLLÜ, AHMET REFİK; Köksalan, Mustafa Murat (2013-06-01)
In this paper we consider a kit planning problem where demand occurrences are not for individual items, but for kits (a group of items). Each kit contains an arbitrary number of items. Kit demands occur according to a Poisson process. Whenever a kit demand occurs, only one item from the kit is used and the rest is returned as unused. The item that will be used from the kit is not known in advance and the whole kit has to stay at the demand site for the whole duration. The used item is replenished through a ...
A discrete optimality system for an optimal harvesting problem
Bakan, Hacer Oz; Yilmaz, Fikriye; Weber, Gerhard Wilhelm (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2017-10-01)
In this paper, we obtain the discrete optimality system of an optimal harvesting problem. While maximizing a combination of the total expected utility of the consumption and of the terminal size of a population, as a dynamic constraint, we assume that the density of the population is modeled by a stochastic quasi-linear heat equation. Finite-difference and symplectic partitioned Runge-Kutta (SPRK) schemes are used for space and time discretizations, respectively. It is the first time that a SPRK scheme is e...
A decomposition approach for undiscounted two-person zero-sum stochastic games
Avşar, Zeynep Müge (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1999-06-01)
Two-person zero-sum stochastic games are considered under the long-run average expected payoff criterion. State and action spaces are assumed finite. By making use of the concept of maximal communicating classes, the following decomposition algorithm is introduced for solving two-person zero-sum stochastic games: First, the state space is decomposed into maximal communicating classes. Then, these classes are organized in an hierarchical order where each level may contain more than one maximal communicating ...
A benders decomposition algorithm for quadratic network design problem
Gündoğdu, Emine; Gürel, Sinan (null; 2011-07-11)
Citation Formats
N. A. Erdal, “A decision support system for a cource scheduling problem,” Middle East Technical University, 1995.