Stability of neural networks



Stability of parallel non-newtonian flows
Özgen, Serkan (1997-01-01)
De-/anti-icing fluids are sprayed on aircraft wings to prevent dangerous loss of performance due to ice formation. The residual layers of such fluids which may either be of newtonian or non-newtonian character could also adversely effect the performance of the aircraft. Therefore it is important to investigate the stability characteristics of such fluids. Stability problem for non-newtonian fluids (power-law fluids in particular) has been solved using the linear stability theory for nearly parallel flows.
Stability of carbon nanoonion C-20@C-60@C-240: Molecular dynamics simulations
Erkoç, Şakir (2002-03-01)
The structural stability of carbon nanoonion C-20@C-60@C-240 has been investigated by performing molecular dynamics computer simulations. Calculations have been realized by using an empirical many-body potential energy function for carbon. It has been found that carbon nanoonion is not so resistive against heat treatment, nor is it as strong as isolated single carbon nanoballs. Although single nanoballs resist heat treatment up to 4300 K, nanoonion disintegrates after 2600 K.
Stability of C-60 chains: molecular dynamics simulations
Malcıoğlu, Osman Barış (2005-01-01)
A linearly aligned structure of three C-60 fullerene, interconnected by two benzorods of same size, have been investigated under heat treatment. The overall structure resembles a section of a beaded string. Nine different lengths of benzorods have been considered, and the effect on the thermal stability have been investigated by means of molecular dynamics method. It has been found that the structure is thermally stable up to elevated temperatures, and the linear alignment of the structure is persistent, up...
Stability analysis of neural networks with piecewise constant argument
Karacaören, Meltem; Akhmet, Marat; Department of Mathematics (2017)
Last several decades, an immense attention has been paid to the construction and analysis of neural networks since it is related to the brain activity. One of the most important neural networks is Hopfield neural network. Since it is obtained from the direct modeling of neuron activity, the results of the research have effective consequences for the modern science. Dynamical analysis of Hopfield neural networks concerns to the method of qualitative theory of differential equations. In particular, it relates...
IDER, SK (1996-01-03)
In this paper inverse dynamics of redundant multibody systems using a minimum number of control forces is formulated. It is shown that the control forces and the task accelerations may become noncausal at certain configurations, yielding the dynamical equation set of the system to be singular. For a given set of tasks, each different set of actuators leads to a different system motion and also to different singular configurations. To avoid the singularities in the numerical solution, the dynamical equations...
Citation Formats
M. Akhmet, “Stability of neural networks,” NONLINEAR HYBRID CONTINUOUS/DISCRETE-TIME MODELS, vol. 8, pp. 121–132, 2011, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: