Levels of Mapping in Nature-informed Studies: A case study on informed wall

Kruşa Yemişcioğlu, Müge
Sorguç, Arzu
Nature provides a vast amount of information to be learnt in various scales with different level of complexities in architecture. Today, the increasing role of computational design and advents in new fabrication technologies enable architectural praxis to incorporate data coming from various disciplines in the design process. Among them, data coming from nature with its animate and inanimate parts are began to be revisited more than before via different approaches. In this study, information transfer from nature to architecture is described as a mapping process defined with different levels depending on the complexity of the information transfer process. Present study explains these levels and exemplifies through the study conducted in Nature-informed Computational Design course.


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Citation Formats
M. Kruşa Yemişcioğlu and A. Sorguç, “Levels of Mapping in Nature-informed Studies: A case study on informed wall,” presented at the ECAADE-EDUCATION & RESEARCH COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN EUROPE, Ghent, Belçika, 2022, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: http://papers.cumincad.org/data/works/att/ecaade2022_156.pdf.