Characteristics of Articles Published in Different Quartiles: A Bibliometric Analysis of Sport and Exercise Psychology Journals

Taş, Hakan
Mikhaylova, Alena
Ödemiş, Hasan
Uçar, Eylül Çisem
Söğüt, Mustafa
Background. The purposes of this study were to determine the quantitative characteristics of the articlespublished in sports and exercise psychology journals in four quartiles of Web of Science and to understand whetherthese characteristics had any effect on citation.Methods. Sport and exercise psychology journals indexed under the Sport Sciences subject category wereincluded in the study. A total of 172 articles published in 2017, which was the most recent date meeting inclusioncriteria, were collected from four sport and exercise psychology journals included: Psychology of Sport and Exercise(Q1), Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (Q2), Sport Psychologist (Q3), and International Journal of SportPsychology (Q4).Results. The articles published in Q1 journal were multi-institutional and multinational. Besides, they had longerabstracts and discussions and cited more references. The results revealed that multinational articles and articles withstructured abstracts had higher citations than single country articles and articles with unstructured abstracts. Thenumber of affiliated countries and references, and longer titles, abstracts, and introductions were found significantlyassociated with the number of citations. The bibliometric analysis indicated that the UK, the USA, and Canada werethe major contributing countries.Conclusion. This study is the first attempt to investigate the characteristics of articles published in different WoSquartiles within the field of sports and exercise psychology. The findings of the study may help researchers to improvetheir citation count.


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Citation Formats
H. Taş, A. Mikhaylova, H. Ödemiş, E. Ç. Uçar, and M. Söğüt, “Characteristics of Articles Published in Different Quartiles: A Bibliometric Analysis of Sport and Exercise Psychology Journals,” BALTIC JOURNAL OF SPORT & HEALTH SCIENCES, vol. 4, no. 123, pp. 35–44, 2021, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: