Product Design Sketching & Rendering Presentation Techniques Vol.1: Introduction



Product-line planning under uncertainty
Karakaya, Şakir; Köksal, Gülser; Department of Industrial Engineering (2018)
This study addresses the problem of multi-period mix of product-lines under a product- family, which incorporates launching decisions of new products, capacity expansion decisions and product interdependencies. The problem is modelled as a two-stage stochastic program with recourse in which price, demand, production cost and cannibalisation effect of new products are treated as uncertain parameters. The solution approach employs the Sample Average Approximation based on Monte Carlo bounding technique and mu...
Product-line planning under uncertainty
Karakaya, Şakir; Köksal, Gülser (2022-02-01)
This study addresses a multi-period product-line-mix problem considering product interdependencies and uncertainties regarding price, demand, production cost, and the cannibalization effect of new products. The problem is modeled as a two-stage stochastic program. In the first-stage, decisions for the release times of new product-lines and capacity expansion are made without waiting for the realization of random events. Sales volumes are determined in the second-stage after more information about uncertaint...
Product design, semantics and emotional response
Demirbilek, Oya; Şener Pedgley, Bahar (Informa UK Limited, 2003-10-20)
This paper explores theoretical issues in ergonomics related to semantics and the emotional content of design. The aim is to find answers to the following questions: how to design products triggering 'happiness' in one's mind; which product attributes help in the communication of positive emotions; and finally, how to evoke such emotions through a product. In other words, this is an investigation of the 'meaning' that could be designed into a product in order to 'communicate' with the user at an emotional l...
Product Line Planning Under Uncertainty
Karakaya, Şakir; Köksal, Gülser (2018-11-01)
This study addresses the problem of multi-period mix of product-lines under a product family, which incorporates launching decisions of new products, capacity planning decisions and product interdependencies. The problem is modeled as a two-stage stochastic program in which price, demand, production cost and cannibalisation effect of new products are characterized as uncertain parameters. The solution approach employs the Monte Carlo bounding technique and Lshaped method, which is tested on real-like cases ...
Product Design For Sustainability: Development Of A New Graduate Course In Industrial Design
Doğan, Çağla (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2012-01-01)
“Sürdürülebilirlik için Ürün Tasarımı” dersi, Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı Bölümü 2011 yılı bahar döneminde, lisansüstü düzeyindeki öğrenciler için geliştirilip açılmıştır. Dersin temel amacı, ürün tasarımı ve geliştirme sürecinde, öğrencilere sürdürülebilirlik kavramının ekolojik, etik ve ekonomik boyutlarını birlikte ele alan bir yaklaşım kazandırmaktır. Bu lisansüstü ders, tasarım ve sistem odaklı güncel ve çeşitli sürdürülebilirlik yaklaşımlarının incelenmesini içerir. Ders kapsamında öğrenciler sürdürüle...
Citation Formats
H. Gürsu, “Product Design Sketching & Rendering Presentation Techniques Vol.1: Introduction,” 2022, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: