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Sistem analizi
Tanrıkut, Mete (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 1976)
Any organized whole in the environment, an ant or the galaxies of which our solar system is a part can be defined as a system. Systems analysis, in general, is the application of the systems approach in the resolution of the problems in systems, in other words, systems analysis is in a way similar to problem solving. Two basic purposes can be identified for systems approach : system analysis and system design (system development). In both cases systems analyst tries to resolve the bottlenecks and optimize t...
Türkiye'de özel teşebbüs ve ekonomi politikası
Saybaşılı, Kemali (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 1976)
ALTINDAĞ, BAYRAM MERT; Demir, Şimşek; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2024-4-26)
This thesis investigates the application of predistortion techniques in Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave (FMCW) radar systems, with a primary focus on enhancing range measurement accuracy and overall system performance. The study addresses the challenge of distortions in high-frequency radar designs, often resulting from non-ideal behavior of components, and examines the efficacy of predistortion in compensating for these imperfections. Initially, the thesis establishes a foundational understanding of F...
Measurement of production efficiency in agriculture : A Case Study of the Hazelnut Production in the Provinces of Ordu and Giresun -1970
Kasnakoğlu, Halûk (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 1976)
Bu çalışmada Giresun ve Ordu illerindeki fındık üreticilerinin göreli üretim etkinlikleri, teknolojik etkinlik, girdi bileşiminde etkinlik, üretim ölçeğinde etkinlik, kısa ve uzun dönemde etkinlik ve üretim süreçlerinde etkinlik gibi alt kavramlara indirgenerek incelenmekte, etkinlik farklılıklarının nedenleri ve etkin olmayan davranışların doğ u r d u ğ u sonuçlarla bunların giderilmesi için gerekli değişiklikler araştırılmaktadır. Çalışmanın bulguları şöyle özetlenebilir: 1. Fındık üreticilerinin kısa dön...
Halkla ilişkilerde Basınla ilişkiler ve tanıtma
Dicle, İ. Atilla (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 1996)
One of the significant contemporary developments in the field of organization and management has been the recognition of public relations as an indispensable factor in the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations. Public relations is now considered to be one of the basic functions of management. Today, every manager is and must be responsible for the development and the maintenance of satisfactory relations with the environment in which his organization exists. Since he does not have sufficient time to...
Türkiye'de siyasal ve ideolojik görüşlerin Toplumsal ve sınıfsal belirleyicileri: İller ve mahalleler düzeyinde Bir inceleme
Akşit, Bahattin (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 1996)
This study is on attempt to explain political and ideological cleavages and in relationship to them the major changes in the structure of party votes in Turkey. The problem is conceptualized and operational ized at the level of provinces of Turkey and the neighborhoods of a middle-sized Turkish city. It has been assumed that the uneven development of capitalism manifests itself not only between countries but also within a country among the regions and provinces. It has, further, been assumed that the class ...
An approach to decomposability of a class of almost completely decomposable groups
Kocabıyık, Makbule; Solak, Ebru; Department of Mathematics (2024-6-27)
A torsion-free abelian group G is completely decomposable of finite rank if G is isomorphic to a finite direct sum of subgroups of Q and almost completely decomposable if G contains a completely decomposable subgroup R with G/R a finite group.The regulator R(G) is intersection of all regulating subgroups of G and is a completely decomposable subgroup of finite index in G. The isomorphism types of the regulator R(G) and the regulator quotient G/R(G) are near-isomorphism invariants of an almost completely dec...
Fantasies of adopted adults: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Çevrim, Mustafa; Canel Çınarbaş, Deniz; Department of Psychology (2024-6)
The present study aimed to explore the fantasies of adult adoptees in Turkey by focusing on their lived experiences. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six Turkish female adoptees. The transcribed interviews were analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Seven superordinate themes emerged as follows: 1) abandonment fantasies, 2) threatening fantasies, 3) loss fantasies, 4) self-worth repairing fantasies, 5) ideal family fantasies, 6) connection fantasies, and 7) recontact fantasie...
Finite Element Based Thermomechanical Fatigue Analysis of Solder Joints in Electronic Packages
Sağdıç, Hasan; Kadıoğlu, Fevzi Suat; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2024-6-07)
Due to the materials with different thermal expansion coefficients in electronic packages, failures occur with temperature changes. The location of the failure is observed in the solder balls used as joining materials for different components and failure type is crack formation. In this study, thermomechanical simulation and fatigue lifetime calculations of a 144-connection ball grid array (BGA) electronic package made of Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu (SAC305) were performed. For lifetime prediction model Engelmair modified...
Büyükkeçeci, Elif; Hasdoğan, Gülay Fatma; Department of Industrial Design (2024-5-22)
The study aims to identify varying relations occurring between the driver, environment, and navigation technology during in-car navigation, guided by phenomenology, postphenomenology, and related approaches. In the field research employing autoethnography and participant observation, 26 driving sessions conducted with the assistance of navigation technologies. The drives were performed by a total of 15 drivers, involving the researcher. Participants were chosen from 83 respondents to a user survey. Each ses...
Babacan, Aynur; Çapa Aydın, Yeşim; Çakır, Nur; Department of Curriculum and Instruction (2024-6-26)
The main purpose of this current qualitative research study is to explore the assessment practices of English language teachers and the impact of teacher assessment identity (TAI) on their assessment practices. A basic qualitative research design was employed to answer the research questions of this study. The data were collected from 10 English language teachers working in public secondary schools in Aksaray, Türkiye. Criterion sampling method was used while selecting the participants. The data were ...
Book review: Metin TamkOQ, "The WARRIOR DIPLOMATS: Guardians of the National Security and Modernization of Turkey"
Bazoglu Sezer, Duygu (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 1976)
Book review: "International Manual on Collective Bargaining for Public Employees" Edited by : Seymour P. Kaye and Arthur Marsh
Aksoy, A. Şinasi (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 1976)
Test of the slutsky conditions
Şener, Tülin (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 1976)
Tüketici tercihleri teorisinden türetilen nitel kısıtlamaların literatürdeki ampirik testleri tutarlı sonuçlar göstermemektedir. Bu çalışmada az gelişmiş bir ülkenin ana tüketim mallarından oluşturulan talep denklemler sistemi kullanılarak Slutsky kısıtlamalarının testi amaçlanmıştır. Kullanılan tahmin yöntemi kısıtlı, eş çözümlü ve en büyük olasılıklı olarak uygulanan Zellner'in iterasyonlu Aitken tahmin edicisidir (A restricted and ML version of Zellner's iterative Aitken estimator). Test Yunanistan'ın tü...
“What if I am your object of desire?”: A qualitative analysis of individuals’ anxiety experiences in social environments
Baydar, Münevver Zuhal; Gençöz, Faruk; Ünal, Elif; Department of Psychology (2024-6)
Since the existence of humanity, anxiety has been a longstanding topic of examination in literature, studied by philosophers, writers, poets, psychoanalysts, and psychologists. In contrast, in the mainstream psychology literature of recent years, anxiety has lost its depth and is addressed with a symptomatic approach. Therefore, this study aims to delve into the intricacies of anxiety. Lacan expressed that the subject is structured based on the Other’s gaze and that anxiety emerges from a sense of uncertain...
A two-sector macroeconomic model And the relative potency of Monetary and fiscal policy
Saraçoğlu, Rüşdü (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 1976)
İleri kapitalist ülkelerde, üretimdeki dalgalanmaları kısmen de olsa önliyebilmek için para politikası ve malî politika tedbirleri kullanılmaktadır. Makroekonominin güncel sorunlarından biri, bu politikalardan hangisinin daha etkin olduğunun saptanmasıdır. Makalede bu sorun iki sektörlü bir model çerçevesinde ele alınmaktadır. Bulgular, para ya da malî politikanın etkinliğini belirleyen en önemli faktörün, sermaye stokunun sektörler arası hareketliliği olduğunu göstermektedir.
Türkiye'de tarımsal reel gelir ve kırsal refah endeksi
Keyder, Nur (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 1976)
The purpose of the article is to bring the results of an earlier article (Keyder, 1970: 33-58) up to date and to compare the results reached here with the results of a similar study made by the State Planning Organization (DPT, 1975a). The purchasing power of rural population is assumed to be affected by the internal terms of trade (defined as the ratio of "general .agricultural price index" to the "rural cost of living index") and the real per capita agricultural income. The findings can be summarized as f...
Present value rule and The social discount rate
Karataş, Cevat (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 1976)
Makalenin ilk bölümünde, yatırım projelerinin değerlendirilmesinde izlenen çok önemli iki kriter olan "bugünkü değer" ve "iç kârlılık" (internal rate of return) ölçütlerinin mukayesesi yapılarak, her iki kriterin geçerliliği teorik ve pratik açıdan tartışılmıştır. Yazıda, bugünkü değer kriterinin üstün yönleri, bazı örneklerle ayrıntılı olarak belirtilmiştir. İkinci bölümde ise, birinci kriter ile yakından ilgili olan "sosyal iskonto haddi"ne ilişik teorik görüşler tartışılmış ve uygulamada bu oranın nasıl ...
A medium - term dynamic simulation model of comecon foreign
Biray, Güneş (ODTÜ İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, 1976)
This paper deals with a possible application of dynamic simulation modelling for medium-term projections of COMECON foreign trade flows. The internal consistency of the projections has been achieved by linking the trade model with multi - sector production models of the COMECON countries. The international consistency is also satisfied through the relationships of a simplified three-region version of a world trade model. Various techniques of mathematical systems theory have been employed in model validatio...
TABUROĞLU, Vahit Eren; Bek, Alpan; Department of Micro and Nanotechnology (2024-5-30)
DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) thin films which are synthesized by RF-PECVD on medical grade steel substrates will be evaluated in terms of its antibacterial properties against to Mycobacterium chimaera. In the world of health, cardiac surgery infection caused by the Mycobacterium chimaera is becoming an increasingly important emerging problem. Heater Cooler Units (HCU’s) which is an essential tool used for cardiac surgeries and also other issued equipment are contaminated by Mycobacterium chimaera. This is one ...