How Do Care Types and Individual Differences Contrıbute to Emotion Understanding Skills of Children Under the Care of Social Services?

Kazak Berument, Sibel
Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)


How do care types and individual differences contribute to emotion understanding skills of children under the care of social services?
Taşfiliz, Duygu; Kazak Berument, Sibel; Department of Psychology (2014)
Early caregiving environment has a great influence on young children’s socio-emotional development. It has been found that young children who have been raised in institutional settings are at risk for deficits in their emotion understanding skills. Research findings also suggested that harmful effects of early care environment would continue into foster care or adoption (Pears & Fisher, 2005; Luke & Banerjee, 2012). Indeed, researchers have investigated developmental differences in individuals’ ability to u...
How do women experience fibromyalgia in family context?
Yoğan, Felek; Bozo Özen, Özlem; Department of Psychology (2017)
The present study aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of how women experience fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) in the family context. There were two main research questions in the study; (1) how do married female fibromyalgia patients with child(ren) experience pain, and (2) what is the association between these patients’ pain experience and their family relationships? To answer these research questions, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six married women with children that were officially diagn...
How Does Thought-Action Fusion Relate to Responsibility Attitudes and Thought Suppression to Aggravate the Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms?
Altin, Mujgan; Gençöz, Tülin (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2011-01-01)
Background: Comprehensive cognitive theories of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) propose that clinical obsessions and compulsions arise from specific sorts of dysfunctional beliefs and appraisals, such as inflated sense of responsibility, thought-action fusion (TAF), and thought suppression. Aims: The present study aimed to examine the mediator roles of responsibility and thought suppression between TAF and obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Specifically, it aimed to explore the relative effects of TAF facto...
How do romantic relationship satisfaction, gender stereotypes, and gender relate to future time orientation in romantic relationships?
Sakallı, Nuray (2003-05-01)
The present study is an investigation into how romantic relationship satisfaction and attitudes toward gender stereotypes about romantic relationship and gender are related to future time orientation in romantic relationships (FTORR). Four hundred and thirteen (208 men and 205 women) university students taking elective psychology courses at Middle East Technical University were given a scale including items about FTORR, romantic relationship satisfaction, and attitudes toward gender stereotypes about romant...
How Do Mothers and Adolescents Use Autobiographical Memories in a Functional Way during Reminiscing?
Elibol, Nur; Şahin Acar, Başak (null; 2018-06-21)
Citation Formats
D. TAŞFİLİZ and S. Kazak Berument, “How Do Care Types and Individual Differences Contrıbute to Emotion Understanding Skills of Children Under the Care of Social Services?,” presented at the Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 2015, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: