Recent oxygen loss and redox-dependent alteration of seafloor iron, sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus biogeochemistry in the Sea of Marmara.

Yücel, Mustafa
Özkan, Korhan
Örek, Hasan
Tezcan, Devrim
Özhan, Koray
Fach Salihoğlu, Bettina Andrea
Alımlı, Nimet
Mantıkçı, Mustafa


Recent dramatıc changes in the Black Sea ecosystem the reason for the sharp decline in Turkish anchovy fisheries
Kıdeyş, Ahmet Erkan (1994-01-01)
As a result of eutrophication caused by increased nutrient input via major rivers during the last few decades, the Black Sea ecosystem has been subject to extreme changes in recent years. These changes first became evident in the 1980's, with abnormal phytoplankton blooms and a large increase in medusae (Aurelia aurita) biomass. Then, the introduction of a new species (a lobate ctenophore, Mnemiopsis sp.) into the Black Sea radically affected the whole ecosystem. This species competes with anchovy for the e...
Recent changes in the spawning grounds of Black Sea anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus
Gücü, Ali Cemal; Ok, Meltem; Sakinan, Serdar (2016-01-01)
Towards the end of the 1980s, when the spawning grounds in the northwestern shelf (NWS) of the Black Sea were lingering with the effects of eutrophication and of an exotic invasive ctenophore, a series of basin-wide international ichthyoplankton surveys pointed out an increase in the anchovies spawning in the southern half of the Black Sea. Later, with the help of international conservation efforts, several key littoral ecosystem components within the anchovy's historical spawning grounds showed signs of re...
Recent mantle degassing recorded by carbonic spring deposits along sinistral strike-slip faults, south-central Australia
Ring, Uwe; UYSAL, I. Tonguc; YUCE, Galip; UNAL-IMER, Ezgi; ITALIANO, Francesco; İmer, Ali; ZHAO, Jian-xin (2016-11-15)
The interior of the Australian continent shows evidence for late Quaternary to Recent fault-controlled mantle He-3 and CO2 degassing. A series of interconnected NW-striking sinistral faults, the Norwest fault zone (NFZ), in south-central Australia are associated with travertine mounds, the latter show a regular spacing of 50-70 km. U-series ages on 26 samples range from 354 +/- 7 to 1.19 +/- 0.02 ka (2 sigma errors) and suggest a clustering every similar to 3-4 ka since similar to 26 ka. Geochemical data de...
Recent sedimentation in the Black Sea: New insights from radionuclide distributions and sulfur isotopes
Yücel, Mustafa; Butler, Ian B.; BOYCE, Adrian; Luther, George W. (2012-08-01)
The Black Sea is the world's largest anoxic-sulfidic marine basin and has unique sedimentation conditions. Recent studies suggested that mass accumulation rates (MAR) in this environment have increased in the past century when compared to the last 2000 years (Unit 1 period). In this paper we test this hypothesis with new MAR data and further explore the relationship between the depositional pattern and pyrite-sulfur isotopic signature. Based on 15 cores sampled in 2001 and 2003, our dataset comprises radioa...
Abrupt transitions of the top-down controlled Black Sea pelagic ecosystem during 1960-2000: Evidence for regime-shifts under strong fishery exploitation and nutrient enrichment modulated by climate-induced variations
Oguz, Temel; Gilbert, Denis (Elsevier BV, 2007-02-01)
Functioning of the Black Sea ecosystem has profoundly changed since the early 1970s under cumulative effects of excessive nutrient enrichment, strong cooling/warming, over-exploitation of pelagic fish stocks, and population outbreak of gelatinous carnivores. Applying a set of criteria to the long-term (1960-2000) ecological time-series data, the present study demonstrates that the Black Sea ecosystem was reorganised during this transition phase in different forms of top-down controlled food web structure th...
Citation Formats
M. Yücel et al., “Recent oxygen loss and redox-dependent alteration of seafloor iron, sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus biogeochemistry in the Sea of Marmara.,” presented at the Ocean Science Meeting USA 2020, 2020, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: