Development of a software for drafting and simulation of open loop hydraulic power circuits

Erşahin, Mehmet Akif


Development of a software for the design and simulation of hydraulic power systems
Arslan, Çagrı; Ünlüsoy, Samim; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2002)
Development of a computer software for hydraulic design of small hydropower facility
Alimoğlu, Emir; Yanmaz, A Melih; Bozkuş, Zafer; Department of Civil Engineering (2012)
Run-of-river type hydroelectrical power plants are the facilities that use only the available flow on the river without storing it to generate electrical energy. These kind of facilities are composed of structural components such as diversion weir, conveyance line, forebay, penstock and power house. In this thesis, a computer program called “MiniHEPP Hydraulic Design” is developed in order to perform the hydraulic design of run-of-river type hydropower plants. This program which runs under the Windows opera...
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Yılmaz, Serdar; İder, Ziya; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1998)
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In the design stage of a mechanical structure, the effects of vibration are taken into consideration as important design criteria. In order to eliminate the adverse effects of vibration sources, a direct intervention to the vibration source, structural reinforcement or the use of vibration isolators are encountered as the most popular vibration control methods. Among all, being compact, low cost, reliable and maintenance free, elastomeric passive vibration isolators with linear properties are examined withi...
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Citation Formats
M. A. Erşahin, “Development of a software for drafting and simulation of open loop hydraulic power circuits,” Middle East Technical University, 1996.