Relating Dynamic Test Capacity, Digital Tracking of Countries and COVID-19 Performance: A Cross-Country Study

Özen, İlhan Can
Tuncay Alpanda, Berna
The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has killed more than a million people in the world since its emergence in late 2019. There have been significant differences in public policies, particularly policies to diagnose COVID-19, between countries. Until vaccines are made available across countries, there were a few preventive policies for understanding the routes and timings of the pandemic transmission; contact tracing, quarantine, and physical distancing. In this paper, we examine the sources of strength and health resilience that explain the differences in COVID-19 performance between countries, in the last 2 years. The health control mechanism is driven by stringency and testing capacities, which can only be evaluated by digital means and databases, and the health treatment abilities, which are encapsulated in its trained set of health professionals, and health education of its population. The idea that the paper puts forward is that in terms of testing capacity, the two characteristics that are needed is 1-the fastest transmission from highest to lowest positivity rate (identification-containment-isolation) and 2-identifying growing clusters. The measure we capture this is looking at the range of maximum to minimum positivity, and also the speed of spreading/surveying in the testing capacity after it has reached the minimum positivity/maximum positivity, which gives us a measure of how effectively the testing system is used in order for the disease to stay under the limits of the health system. The ability to create a short range means that the testing system is created in a utilitarian way, used to identify the growing epidemic, and controlling the level of the growth.


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Citation Formats
İ. C. Özen and B. Tuncay Alpanda, Relating Dynamic Test Capacity, Digital Tracking of Countries and COVID-19 Performance: A Cross-Country Study. 2022.