Effects of Cayirhan fly ash on the properties of Portland cement -fly ash pastes and Mortars

Karaer, Kutlan


Effects of some Turkish fly ashes on the properties of portland cement-fly ash pastes and mortars
Tunçbilek, Bülent; Tokyay, Mustafa; Department of Civil Engineering (1998)
Effects of fly ash and desulphogypsum on the strength and permeability properties of Çayırhan soil
Şahin, Murat; Çokça, Erdal; Department of Civil Engineering (2005)
Çayırhan soil is a collapsible soil. Collapsible soils are generally unsaturated, low-density soils with high voids between grains where the binding agents are sensitive to saturation. When exposed to water, binding agents break, soften or dissolve such that the soil grains shear against each other and reorient in denser configurations. This reconfiguration causes a net decrease in the soil mass, resulting in large and often unexpected settlements, which can totally destroy roads, underground utilities, and...
Effects of high-calcium and low-calcium fly ashes on various properties of fly ash concretes
Parla, Berrin; Erdoğan, Turhan Y.; Department of Civil Engineering (1988)
Effects of pozzolan incorporation and curing conditions on strength and water resistance of natural gypsum pastes
Cengiz, Okan; Erdoğan, Turhan Y.; Department of Civil Engineering (2009)
There are large reserves of gypsum rock (CaSO4·2H2O) in Turkey and in various regions of the world. Heating gypsum rock to 140 - 190 0C causes it to lose three-fourths of its water molecules and turn into gypsum, called plaster of Paris; heat application over 190 0C results in loss of all the water molecules and this form of the material is called gypsum anhydrite. When gypsum is mixed with water, it gains cementitious property and hardens in a short time. Therefore, natural gypsum anhydrite and especially ...
Effects of Defatted Flaxseed Addition on Rheological Properties of Wheat Flour Slurry
HAO, Changchun; Lİ, Dong; Mao, Zhihuai; Özkan, Necati; Chen, Xiao Dong (2013-12-01)
Rheological property of defatted flaxseed-added wheat flour dispersions was investigated as a function of defatted flaxseed concentration (0-20%), NaCl concentration (0, 0.6, and 1.2%), sucrose concentration (0, 5, and 10%), and slurry concentration (33and 62.5%). Frequency sweep tests at 20 degrees C and temperature sweep tests from 20 to 90 degrees C were applied to the samples. The experimental measurements demonstrated that the viscoelastic moduli of samples increased with the increase in defatted flaxs...
Citation Formats
K. Karaer, “Effects of Cayirhan fly ash on the properties of Portland cement -fly ash pastes and Mortars,” Middle East Technical University, 1996.