Computer aided design of steel structures

Bayram, Altuğ


Computer aided design of structural steel connections
Aksaray, Oğuz Altuğ; Keyder, Engin; Department of Civil Engineering (2001)
Computer aided design of water treatment plants
Sarımehmetoğlu (Sağlam), Aygül; Soyupak, Selçuk; Department of Environmental Engineering (1989)
Computer aided design of pressure vessels
Özgen, M.Kürşat; Bilir, Ömer G. (Elsevier BV, 1989-1)
A computer program is developed for the design of pressure vessels. The design rules of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Division 1 are applied. The program is written in a graphical utility version of GWBASIC, which has a wide variety of uses in IBM and/or IBM compatible PC user. The program has a wide range of choices for the selection of materials which have been specified by the Design Code.
Computer aided design of pressure vessels
Özgen, Mehmet Kürşat; Bilir, Ömer Gündüz; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1988)
Computer aided design of post-tensioned concrete reservoirs
Oztorun, NK; Utku, M (Elsevier BV, 2002-11-01)
A computer method based on the classical shell and plate theories is presented for the elastic analysis of cylindrical water tanks subjected to axisymmetrical loading and post-tensioning loads. A spherical dome or circular plate roof, cylindrical container, top and bottom ring beams together with a circular plate foundation are considered as possible components of a water tank in the flexibility formulation. Classical shell, plate, and ring beam theories are used to obtain flexibility coefficients. A comput...
Citation Formats
A. Bayram, “Computer aided design of steel structures,” Middle East Technical University, 1997.