The relationships of sociometric status , sex, academic achievement , school type and grade level with loneliness levels of secondary school students

Tarhan, Nuray


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The relationship among self construal, family functioning and sibling number in terms of gender in high school students
Mesutoğlu, Canan; Demir, Ayhan Gürbüz; Department of Educational Sciences (2012)
The goal of the study was to understand the nature of the relationship among self construal, family functioning and sibling number in terms of gender. Five hundred twenthy-nine high school students participated in the study. Participants were selected from seven general public high schools in Ankara. Data was gathered via Personal Information Questionnaire, Autonomous-Related Self in the Family Scale (Kağıtçıbağı, 2007a) and Family Assessment Device (Epstein, Balwin & Bishop 1983). Results of the study indi...
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Uysal, Emel; Eryılmaz, Ali; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2004)
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The Relationships among academic self-efficacy, academic optimism, family income and academic achievement
Şenay, Hanife Hilal; Kondakçı, Yaşar; Department of Educational Sciences (2018)
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the relationships among students’ academic self-efficacy, academic optimism, family income and academic achievement. The hypothesis of the study was that all the variables might be directly correlated with student achievement. For the data collection, firstly Academic Self-Efficacy and Student Academic Optimism scales were translated into Turkish. Later, a form including questions regarding demographic information, family income, socioeconomic status and cGPA of...
The Relationship among secondary scholl students' attitudes, motivation and self-efficacy beliefs toward chemistry lessons
İçöz, Ömer Faruk; Geban, Ömer; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2012)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among secondary school students’ attitudes, motivation and self-efficacy beliefs toward chemistry lessons and to determine the effect of grade levels, gender and school type on each dependent variable. The study was conducted during fall semester of 2011–2012 academic year in four high schools which are general public high school, Anatolian public high school, vocational public high school, and general private high school in Ankara. Cluster rando...
Citation Formats
N. Tarhan, “The relationships of sociometric status , sex, academic achievement , school type and grade level with loneliness levels of secondary school students,” Middle East Technical University, 1996.