The Relationships of bullying, family environment and popularity

Yıldırım, Selma


The relationships of sociometric status , sex, academic achievement , school type and grade level with loneliness levels of secondary school students
Tarhan, Nuray; Demir, Ayhan; Department of Educational Sciences (1996)
The relationships among attitudes toward gay men and lesbians, system justification, social contact, political orientation and gender.
Uğurlu, Ozanser; Eryılmaz, Derya; Sakallı, Nuray (2019-06-01)
The study explored the association among attitudes toward lesbians and gay men, system justification, social contact, political orientation, and gender in a Muslim heterosexual sample in Turkey. Participants (N = 377; Women = 276 Men = 101; MAge = 21.83, SDAge = 2.00) completed scales of Attitudes toward Gay Men (ATG) and Lesbians (ATL), system justification, and demographic information. Men had more negative scores on ATG and ATLthan women. Gay men were evaluated more negatively than lesbians by men. Havin...
The Relationships among academic self-efficacy, academic optimism, family income and academic achievement
Şenay, Hanife Hilal; Kondakçı, Yaşar; Department of Educational Sciences (2018)
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the relationships among students’ academic self-efficacy, academic optimism, family income and academic achievement. The hypothesis of the study was that all the variables might be directly correlated with student achievement. For the data collection, firstly Academic Self-Efficacy and Student Academic Optimism scales were translated into Turkish. Later, a form including questions regarding demographic information, family income, socioeconomic status and cGPA of...
The Structural relationships of parenting styles, attachment dimensions, loneliness and hope
Demirli, Aylin; Demir, Ayhan Gürbüz; Department of Educational Sciences (2013)
The present study investigated the predictors of hope among university students via a mediational causal model, in which perceived parenting styles were proposed to interact with attachment dimensions and loneliness to predict hope. The sample consisted of 550 undergraduate students (378 females, 172 males) selected from Ankara University Faculty of Educational Science by convenient sampling. Demographics Information Form, The Measure of Child Rearing Styles Inventory (CRSI), Experiences in Close Relationsh...
The relationship between teachers’ emotional labor and vocational belonging
Çabuk, Deniz; Gökalp, Gökçe; Department of Educational Administration and Planning (2022-9)
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between teachers’ levels of emotional labor and vocational belonging. The study is a quantitative study adopting a relational screening model. Participants of the study included 416 primary, middle and high school teachers currently working in public and private schools in Bergama, İzmir. Data were collected through two questionnaires; Emotional Labor Scale and Vocational Belonging Scale. For data analysis, standard multiple linear regression an...
Citation Formats
S. Yıldırım, “The Relationships of bullying, family environment and popularity,” Middle East Technical University, 2001.