Securitizing Migration: An Analysis of European Union’s Asylum and Migration Policies in Response to the Climate-Induced Migration

Yavuz, Fatma Gülesin
Climate-induced migration (CIM) has emerged as an important issue because of the adverse impacts of major natural disasters. Despite efforts to explore alternate approaches, such as examining the connection between development and migration, existing policies generally concentrate on giving top priority to the securitization of migration, particularly within the European Union (EU). Such developments have led to a rise in securitization-focused evaluations when studying the EU's migration and asylum policies. Nevertheless, when conducting this study regarding CIM, it is crucial to scrutinize the position of migration within the policies of the Union. Thus, the study comprises two distinct stages: the securitization of migration and the securitization of CIM within the EU. The research uses the qualitative method of process tracing to evaluate the techniques developed by EU institutions, policy documents, legal measures, and discourses pertaining to migration within the EU. The study seeks to ascertain the placement of CIM within the discourse surrounding the securitization of the EU's migration and asylum policies, as well as its compatibility with the securitization process in migration policy. Overall, the main aim of this study is to reveal the complex connection between migration, security, and climate change by developing the existing scientific literature on migration and CIM in the context of securitization dynamics in EU policies.
Citation Formats
F. G. Yavuz, “Securitizing Migration: An Analysis of European Union’s Asylum and Migration Policies in Response to the Climate-Induced Migration,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2024.