Design and implementation of control unit of an inertial nevigation system

Hazır, sefa


Design and implementation of post processing unit for an intertial nevigation system
Orhan, M. Naci; Demirbaş, Kerim; Eren, Murat; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1996)
Design and implementation of an annular acoustic levitation system
Kandemir, Mehmet Hakan; Çalışkan, Mehmet; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2014)
In standing wave acoustic levitation technique, a standing wave is obtained between a source and a reflector. Particles can be attracted towards pressure nodes in standing waves owing to the spring action. Hence, particles can be suspended in air. This operation can be performed on continuous structures as well as in several numbers of axes. In this study an annular acoustic levitation set-up is designed and built. The set-up consists of two langevin type piezoelectric transducers, two waveguides, an annula...
Design and implementation of FIR digital filters with variable frequency characteristics
Pişkin, Hatice; Ünver, Baki Zafer; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2005)
Variable digital filters (VDF) find many application areas in communication, audio, speech and image processing. This thesis analyzes design and implementation of FIR digital filters with variable frequency characteristics and introduces two design methods. The design and implementation of the proposed methods are realized on Matlab software program. Various filter design examples and comparisons are also outlilned. One of the major application areas of VDFs is software defined radio (SDR). The interpolatio...
Design and implementation of a swith mode arc welding system
Yıldırım, Fatih; Hızal, Mirzahan; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1997)
Design and implementation of an interface circuit for piezoelectric energy harvesters
Chamanian, Salar; Külah, Haluk; Muhtaroğlu, Ali; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2018)
Micro-fabricated piezoelectric transducer is a prominent harvesting method due to its small size and relatively high energy density. However, the available interface circuits (IC) in the literature for piezoelectric energy harvesters (PEH) are generally designed for macro-scaled versions having a power output in the range of hundreds µW. The efficiency of such systems is significantly diminished when input power drops to tens of µWs or less, which is the pertinent power output range for micro-fabricated dev...
Citation Formats
s. Hazır, “Design and implementation of control unit of an inertial nevigation system,” Middle East Technical University, 1996.