Milling force estimation using angular domain harmonics with Kalman filter using acceleration data

İlme, Mert
In order to make a contribution to the Industry 4.0 concept, today’s milling research is mainly focusing on the identification of the cutting process. To identify the cutting process, it is vital to know the cutting forces. Since directly measuring the force is costly and inconvenient, there is a need for a simpler way to indirectly estimate the cutting forces. In this thesis, a novel model-based estimation algorithm using the acceleration data is proposed. The model is based on a angular domain force model which consists of the harmonics at the orders of the tooth passing frequency. The force model is converted into the acceleration model by the frequency response function of the workpiece. The acceleration model is integrated into the Kalman filter. With the measured acceleration feedback, the Kalman filter estimates the cutting force. The proposed method is verified with experimental data.
Citation Formats
M. İlme, “Milling force estimation using angular domain harmonics with Kalman filter using acceleration data,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2024.