A set-based execution model for parallel prolog

Aybay, Işık


OpenCL implementation of montgomery multiplication on FPGA /
Büyükşahin, Mehmet Ufuk; Bazlamaçcı, Cüneyt Fehmi; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2014)
Galois Field arithmetic has been used very frequently in popular security and errorcorrection applications. Montgomery multiplication is among the suitable methods used for accelerating modular multiplication, which is the most time consuming basic arithmetic operation. Montgomery multiplication is also suitable to be implemented in parallel. OpenCL, which is a portable, heterogeneous and parallel programming framework, is recently supported by a major FPGA vendor, Altera. Therefore it is now possible to ex...
An Object-oriented framework for functional mock-up interface co-simulation
Aslan, Memduha; Oğuztüzün, Mehmet Halit S.; Durak, Umut; Department of Computer Engineering (2016)
Integration of subsystem or component models in a simulation environment is a crucial task in system development. Variation in model interfaces due to the use of a variety of modeling tools from different vendors complicates this task. Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) is a standard that lays out a tool-independent interface for dynamic system models. In practice, the developers of FMI-compliant models, known as Functional Mockup Units (FMUs), need guidance. In this thesis, an object-oriented framework for ...
A metamodel for the high level architecture object model
Çetinkaya, Deniz; Oğuztüzün, Mehmet Halit S.; Department of Computer Engineering (2005)
The High Level Architecture (HLA), IEEE Std. 1516-2000, provides a general framework for distributed modeling and simulation applications, called federations. HLA focuses on interconnection of interacting simulations, called federates, with special emphasis on reusability and interoperability. An HLA object model, be it a simulation object model (SOM), a federation object model (FOM) or the management object model (MOM), describes the data exchanged during federation execution. This thesis introduces a meta...
A C++ distributed database select - project - join query processor on a HPC cluster
Ceran, Erhan; Coşar, Ahmet; Department of Computer Engineering (2012)
High performance computer clusters have become popular as they are more scalable, affordable and reliable than their centralized counterparts. Database management systems are particularly suitable for distributed architectures; however distributed DBMS are still not used widely because of the design difficulties. In this study, we aim to help overcome these difficulties by implementing a simulation testbed for a distributed query plan processor. This testbed works on our departmental HPC cluster machine and...
A novel approach for synthesising sinus waveforms at power level
Şedele, Serkan Paki; Ertan, Hulusi Bülent; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2004)
In variable speed motor drive and uninterruptible power supply (UPS) applications, taditional method is to employ some kind of a modulation technique at a high frequency typically 6 kHz to 20 kHz range. In these modulation techniques, the switches are hard switched. The result is application of a series of pulses to the load, and if the load is inductive, sine wave current flows into the load. Hard and rapid switching causes a voltage waveform with a very high dv/dt (rate of change in voltage) causing high ...
Citation Formats
I. Aybay, “A set-based execution model for parallel prolog,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1989.