Assessing the significance of the industrial port of Zonguldak as a heritage place

Kocaoğlu, Canberk
The shift in technology after the industrial revolution brought forth industrial cities that thrived on industrial production. Industrial ports emerged during the mid to late 19th century in port cities to match the speed of industrial production through industrialized facilities and transportation. The industrial port-cities developed rapidly and became forefront cities in their countries through rapid economic growth followed by socio-cultural growth. A second shift in technology happened with the invention of containerization during the late 20th century. Ports that could not adapt to containerization became redundant and were relocated to outer peripheries of their cities or downstream. These ports were then adapted into their cities as heritage places through waterfront regeneration and adaptive re-use projects. However, this caused the value of an active industrial port as a heritage place that supports its city as a backbone to be excluded from the perspective of decision makers. This thesis aims to emphasize the importance of active industrial ports for decision makers and the local community as heritage places, that they are still valuable when in active use. This study tries to establish a comprehensive understanding of industrial ports, their developments, transformation processes and value as heritage places. The Industrial Port of Zonguldak is chosen as a case study for this thesis. The transformation processes, historical timeline, local dynamics, context and current situation of the port is covered in depth to convey its significance not just to decision makers but for all which are concerned with the conservation of cultural heritage. The significance of the Industrial Port of Zonguldak was assessed to prevent further loss of its values, provide a base for future conservation efforts regarding it, and to ensure its continuation as an active industrial port that is a living heritage place.
Citation Formats
C. Kocaoğlu, “Assessing the significance of the industrial port of Zonguldak as a heritage place,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2025.