Analysis of the constant pressure filtration and electrofiltration behavior of kaolin slurries

Şan, Osman


Determination of hydrate formation conditions of drilling fluids
Kupeyeva, Aliya; Parlaktuna, Mahmut; Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (2007)
The objective of this study is to determine hydrate formation conditions of a multicomponent polymer based drilling fluid. During the study, experimental work is carried out by using a system that contains a high-pressure hydrate formation cell and pressure-temperature data is recorded in each experiment. Different concentrations of four components of drilling fluid, namely potassium chloride (KCl), partially hydrolyzed polyacrylicamide (PHPA), xanthan gum (XCD) and polyalkylene glycol (poly.glycol) were us...
Review of natural gas discovery and production from conventional resources in Turkey
Keskin, Hakan; Mehmetoğlu, Mustafa Tanju; Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (2007)
Oil and natural gas are the most strategic raw materials to meet the expanding energy requirement in today’s world. They have great impact on issues such as economy, national security, development, competition, and political consistency. Being a developing country, Turkey’s natural gas requirement is increasing rapidly. However, the production is far from covering the demand. Recent assumptions point out that natural gas demand of Turkey will reach 44 billion cubic meters in 2010 with a financial burden of ...
A numerical method for the gas production process in gas hydrate reservoirs
Durgut, I; Parlaktuna, Mahmut (1996-06-06)
Construction of cryptographically strong boolean functions well suited for symmetric cryptosystems
Ahmed Khan, Mansoor; Özbudak, Ferruh; Department of Cryptography (2013)
Boolean functions are amongst the vital ingredients of any symmetric cryptosystem in order to implement principles of confusion and di usion. These are utilized as non-linear filtering functions or combiner functions in LFSR-based stream ciphers and as s-box component functions or non-linear encryption functions in Fiestel structure based block ciphers. Consequently, the cryptographic properties of Boolean functions are amongst the main contributors to the strength of these ciphers against cryptanalysis. Th...
Quantification and analysis of uncertainties in reservoir modeling using multiple-point geostatistics
Fadlelmula Fadlelseed, Mohamed Mohieldin; Akın, Serhat; Düzgün, H. Şebnem; Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (2012)
This study analyzed and quantified uncertainties of reservoirs modeled using multiple-point geostatistics (MPG). The uncertainty types analyzed herein are training image (TI) and hard data (porosity) uncertainties. Aiming at studying the impact of TI uncertainty, this study provides a tool to parameterize TIs having channel structure by a mathematical (Sine) function so that a TI is a function of four parameters. These parameters are channels’ number, waves’ number in each channel, amplitude level of waves,...
Citation Formats
O. Şan, “Analysis of the constant pressure filtration and electrofiltration behavior of kaolin slurries,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1991.