Evaluation and selection of distribution system voltage levels for the networks of large cities.

Taşkın, turgut


Evaluation and selection of ground motion intensity measures for nonlinear seismic demand and fragility analysis of MDOF systems
Kadaş, Koray; Yakut, Ahmet; Department of Civil Engineering (2021-5-21)
In performance-based seismic design methodology, intensity measures are thought to be key parameters of ground motion records that relate the seismic hazard levels with the structural response or damage. Therefore, it is important to identify efficient intensity measures that are capable of reducing the variability in seismic demand predictions. There exist several simple-to-advanced scalar and vector ground motion intensity measures; however, the literature is limited in the number of comparative studies i...
Evaluation of fermentation medium composition and conditions for bacterial pectinase production
Uzuner, Sibel; Çekmecelioğlu, Deniz (2015-11-19)
Evaluation of minimum shear reinforcement requirements for higher strength concrete
Ozcebe, G; Ersoy, U; Tankut, T (1999-05-01)
This paper presents an evaluation on the minimum shear reinforcement requirements given in the ACI, Canadian, and Turkish codes for high-strength concrete. Thirteen beams having the minimum shear reinforcement required by ACI 318-83, the Turkish Code, and the equations proposed in this paper were tested Concrete strength varied between so and 80 MPa (8700 and 11,600 psi). For high-strength concrete (f(a)' > 69 MPa), the minimum shear reinforcement requirements of the Turkish Code and ACI 318-95 are not very...
Evaluation of sound quality parameters in noise control studies.
Güney, Kadri Somer; Çalışkan, Mehmet; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2002)
Evaluation of streets,concerning dimensions of harmony,excitement and pleasantness of façade groups.
Karakaplan, Aslı; İmamoğlu, Vacit; Department of Architecture (1996)