Time dependent analysis of clear water scour around bridge piers

Yanmaz, A. Melih


Experimental investigation of local scour around bridge pier groups
Özalp, Murat Can; Bozkuş, Zafer; Department of Civil Engineering (2013)
It is an important task that design engineers in practice predict the local scour around bridge piers as accurately as possible because excessive local scour around bridge piers unbalance and demolish the bridges. Many equations have been proposed previously by various researchers, based on their experimental findings, but no general method has been developed so far due to the complexity of the topic. In the present study two new bridge pier groups were employed to investigate the inclination effect of the ...
Scour and scour protection at bridge abutments
Kayatürk, Şerife Yurdagül; Göğüş, Mustafa; Department of Civil Engineering (2005)
Bridge failures are mainly caused by scouring the bed material around bridge foundations during flood. In this study, scour phenomenon around bridge abutments is experimentally studied. Effect of abutment size, location and size of the collars placed around the abutments, time evaluation of scour hole around the abutment, scour characteristics of abutment and pier interaction were experimentally investigated. Scour measurements were conducted in a rectangular channel of 30 m long and 1.5 m wide filled with ...
Time evolution of the flow characteristics around bridge abutments during scouring process
Yıldız, Burhan; Köken, Mete; Göğüş, Mustafa; Department of Civil Engineering (2014)
This study involves numerical and experimental investigation of the velocity field and the time evolution of the scour pattern forming around bridge abutments. The experimental part of the study includes velocity field recordings by using an ADV device and eroded bed bathymetry measurements by an ultrasonic ranging system. Using the ADV measurements; the velocity components, the upstream part of the primary vortex and the change of downstream recirculation region dimensions by the change in abutment length,...
Application of collars as a scour countermeasure for spill-through abutments /
Yılmaz, Kutay; Köken, Mete; Göğüş, Mustafa; Department of Civil Engineering (2014)
In the study the effect of collars on scour for spill-through abutments under clear-water conditions was investigated. Total of 70 experiments were conducted. Two abutments were placed on the opposite sides of a straight rectangular channel. Collars with different widths were placed at different depths around these abutments and reduction on scour was investigated for each case. Using different abutment lengths allowed investigation of collars at different contraction ratios and hence optimum collar configu...
Computer-assisted design methodology for bridge scour counter measures
Yıldırım, Mehmet Sinan; Yanmaz, Ali Melih; Department of Civil Engineering (2013)
Scour at bridge piers is considered as a significant safety hazard. Hence, scour countermeasure design plays a critical role to hinder the scour potential at bridges. The selection methodology for a scour countermeasure varies with respect to site conditions, economy, availability of material and river characteristics. The aim of this study is to review the literature on this topic to gather universally accepted design guidelines. A user-friendly computer program is developed for decision-making in various ...
Citation Formats
A. M. Yanmaz, “Time dependent analysis of clear water scour around bridge piers,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1989.