Recursive parameter estimation using the MRAS technique.

Altay, Bülent Kerim


Linear system quadratic cost optimal tracking.
Demirekler, Mübeccel; İnan, Kemal; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1978)
Online calibration of sensor arrays using higher order statistics
Aktaş, Metin; Tuncer, Temel Engin; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2012)
Higher Order Statistics (HOS) and Second Order Statistics (SOS) approaches have certain advantages and disadvantages in signal processing applications. HOS approach provides more statistical information for non-Gaussian signals. On the other hand, SOS approach is more robust to the estimation errors than the HOS approach, especially when the number of observations is small. In this thesis, HOS and SOS approaches are jointly used in order to take advantage of both methods. In this respect, the joint use of H...
Uniform and Non-Uniform V-shaped Arrays for 2-D DOA Estimation
Filik, Tansu; Tuncer, Temel Engin; Yasar, T. Kaya (2008-04-22)
In this study, a new method for optimum design of uniform and non-uniform V-shaped arrays is presented for azimuth and elevation angle estimation. The proposed design method finds an optimum angle between the linear sub-arrays of the V-array by using the Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) where statistical coupling effect between azimuth and elevation angle estimation is considered This method can be used to obtain directional and isotropic angle performances for uniform and non-uniform V-arrays. For non-uniform isotro...
Wavelet domain image resolution enhancement using cycle spinning and edge modelling
Temizel, Alptekin (2005-09-08)
In this paper we present a wavelet domain image resolution en-hancement algorithm. An initial high-resolution approximation to the original image is obtained by means of zero-padding in the wavelet domain. This is further processed using the cycle-spinning methodology which reduces ringing. A critical element of the algo-rithm is the adoption of a simplified edge profile suitable for the description of edge degradations such as blurring due to loss of resolution. Linear regression using a minimal training s...
Wideband doa estimation for nonuniform linear arrays with wiener array interpolation
Yasar, T. Kaya; Tuncer, Temel Engin (2008-07-23)
Coherent wideband DOA estimation for non-uniform linear arrays (NLA) is considered. Array interpolation is used for two mappings. In the first mapping, NLA is mapped to a uniform linear array with the same array aperture. In the second mapping covariance matrices for each frequency bin are mapped to a single one at the center frequency for coherent DOA estimation. A Wiener formulation is used for array interpolation where both signal and noise powers are estimated with maximum likelihood method. Different a...
Citation Formats
B. K. Altay, “Recursive parameter estimation using the MRAS technique.,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1983.