Some improvements in the analysis and design of monolithic and polylithic crystal filters.

Akçakaya, Ergül


Non-linear filtering based on observations from Gaussian processes
Gustafsson, Fredrik; Saha, Saikat; Orguner, Umut (2011-03-12)
We consider a class of non-linear filtering problems, where the observation model is given by a Gaussian process rather than the common non-linear function of the state and measurement noise. The new observation model can be considered as a generalization of the standard one with correlated measurement noise in both time and space. We propose a particle filter based approach with a measurement update step that requires a memory of past observations which can be truncated using a moving window to obtain a fi...
On Miniaturization and Performance Improvement of Planar Wideband Bandpass Filters Without Coupled Lines
Alicioglu, Bulent; Yıldırım, Nevzat (2009-10-01)
Two classical approaches are compared in various respects for the design of wideband planar BPF's without parallel coupled lines, namely, BPF's designed by pole placement with contributing Unit Elements (UE) and inverter coupled resonator filters designed from LP prototypes. It is shown that the circuit obtained by direct BP synthesis is a special case of inverter coupled filter with inverters converted into single Unit Elements. It is also shown that if the inverters are converted into odd number of UE's t...
Recent results on Bayesian Cramér-Rao bounds for jump Markov systems
Fritsche, Carsten; Orguner, Umut; Svensson, Lennart; Gustafsson, Fredrik (2016-07-08)
In this paper, recent results on the evaluation of the Bayesian Cramer-Rao bound for jump Markov systems are presented. In particular, previous work is extended to jump Markov systems where the discrete mode variable enters into both the process and measurement equation, as well as where it enters exclusively into the measurement equation. Recursive approximations are derived with finite memory requirements as well as algorithms for checking the validity of these approximations are established. The tightnes...
Microwave switched multiplexer design
Akkul, M. Mustafa; Yıldırım, Nevzat; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1999)
Design of Microstrip Quadruplet Filters on Filpro
Oruc, Sacid; Yıldırım, Nevzat (2018-11-02)
In this paper, a simple dimensional design procedure is developed for microstrip/stripline quadruplet filters by starting with direct BP synthesis of a lumped quadruplet with inverter couplings, K14, K12, K23 and K34. K14 is the cross-coupling inverter which creates a symmetric pair of finite transmission zeros (FTZ's) if the sign of K14 is opposite of the other inverters while a complex TZ is created if K14 has the same sign as the other inverters leading to linear phase (flat delay) responses. The LC reso...
Citation Formats
E. Akçakaya, “Some improvements in the analysis and design of monolithic and polylithic crystal filters.,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1972.