Implementation of index structures for fuzzy spatial querying

Sözer, Aziz


Implementation of coordinate transformations in periodic finite-element method for modeling rough surface scattering problems
ÖZGÜN, ÖZLEM; Kuzuoğlu, Mustafa (2016-05-01)
The coordinate transformation technique (with its current name of transformation electromagnetics) is applied to the finite-element method (FEM) with periodic boundary conditions for efficient Monte Carlo simulation of one-dimensional random rough surface scattering problems. In a unit cell of periodic structure, two coordinate transformations are used, one of which is a real transformation designed to model the rough surface with flat surface, and the other is a complex transformation used to design a perf...
Implementation of an iconic indexing technique for pictorial query processing
Ulu, Cemil; Doğaç, Asuman; Department of Computer Engineering (1994)
Implementation of noise filtering algorithm for automated pressure transient analysis
Coşar, Doğuhan; Sınayuç, Çağlar; Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (2022-9-2)
In order to estimate reservoir parameters such as permeability and skin factor, well tests are performed. Pressures are recorded periodically during these tests. These parameters are crucial in predicting the amount of oil or gas that can be produced. The analysis of pressure changes provide information about the reservoir characteristics and its ability to produce hydrocarbons at a certain amount of time. Three different cases of drawdown tests are analyzed. Derivative curves are plotted using data poin...
Implementation of a generalized finite element program for hyperelastic materials.
Soyarslan, Celal; Akyüz, Uğurhan; Department of Civil Engineering (2002)
Implementation of concurrent constraint transaction logic and its user interface
Altunyuva, Fethi; Karagöz, Pınar; Department of Computer Engineering (2006)
This thesis implements a logical formalism framework called Concurrent Constraint Transaction Logic (abbr.,CCTR) which was defined for modeling and scheduling of workflows under resource allocation and cost constraints and develops an extensible and flexible graphical user interface for the framework. CCTR extends Concurrent Transaction Logic and integrates with Constraint Logic Programming to find the correct scheduling of tasks that involves resource and cost constraints. The developed system, which integ...
Citation Formats
A. Sözer, “Implementation of index structures for fuzzy spatial querying,” Middle East Technical University, 2001.