Fuzzy functional dependency and fuzzy normal forms in fuzzy relational databases

Bahar, Özgün


Fuzzy functional and fuzzy multivalued dependencies in fuzzy relational databases
Sözat, Mustafa İlker; Yazıcı, Adnan; Department of Computer Engineering (1997)
Fuzzy Multivariate Auto-regression Method and its Application
Şişman Yılmaz, Arzu; Alpaslan, Ferda Nur (Springer, 2004-01-01)
This carefully edited book presents examples of the successful application of Intelligent Systems techniques to practical problems. The invited contributions, written by international experts in their respective fields, clearly demonstrate what can be achieved when AI systems are used to solve real-world problems. The book covers the field of applied intelligent systems with a broad and deep selection of topics, such as object recognition, robotics, satellite weather prediction, or economics with an industr...
Fuzzy spatial data cube construction and its use in association rule mining
Işık, Narin; Yazıcı, Adnan; Department of Computer Engineering (2005)
The popularity of spatial databases increases since the amount of the spatial data that need to be handled has increased by the use of digital maps, images from satellites, video cameras, medical equipment, sensor networks, etc. Spatial data are difficult to examine and extract interesting knowledge; hence, applications that assist decision-making about spatial data like weather forecasting, traffic supervision, mobile communication, etc. have been introduced. In this thesis, more natural and precise knowle...
Fuzzy classification models based on tanaka’s fuzzy linear regression approach and nonparametric improved fuzzy classifier functions
Özer, Gizem; Köksal, Gülser; Department of Industrial Engineering (2009)
In some classification problems where human judgments, qualitative and imprecise data exist, uncertainty comes from fuzziness rather than randomness. Limited number of fuzzy classification approaches is available for use for these classification problems to capture the effect of fuzzy uncertainty imbedded in data. The scope of this study mainly comprises two parts: new fuzzy classification approaches based on Tanaka’s Fuzzy Linear Regression (FLR) approach, and an improvement of an existing one, Improved Fu...
Fuzzy object-oriented database modeling incorporated with logic
Koyuncu, Murat; Yazıcı, Adnan; Department of Computer Engineering (1995)
Citation Formats
Ö. Bahar, “Fuzzy functional dependency and fuzzy normal forms in fuzzy relational databases,” Middle East Technical University, 2002.