A performance study of real-time ip multicasting.

Demirci, Turan


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A comparative study of deep reinforcement learning methods and conventional controllers for aerial manipulation
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Aerial manipulation with unmanned aerial vehicles is increasingly becoming a necessity in many applications. In this thesis, we analyze the controller approaches for a bi-rotor aerial manipulator for a pick and place operation. First of all, we compare a classical control approach with a minimum snap trajectory generation and Deep Reinforcement actor-critic algorithms for the control of the aerial manipulator. Furthermore, we examine the effects of degrees of freedom of the manipulator for the Deep Reinforc...
A dynamic study of axial dispersion in gas fluidized beds.
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A performance study of the tangent distance method in transformation-invariant image classification
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A common problem in image analysis is the transformation-invariant estimation of the similarity between a query image and a set of reference images representing different classes. This typically requires the comparison of the distance between the query image and the transformation manifolds of the reference images. The tangent distance algorithm is a popular method that estimates the manifold distance by employing a linear approximation of the transformation manifolds. In this paper, we present a performanc...
A comparative study on confinement models for concrete.
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Citation Formats
T. Demirci, “A performance study of real-time ip multicasting.,” Middle East Technical University, 2002.