Budget deficits, monetary growth and inflation in Turkey : An empirical investigation

Tekin, Ayça


Budget deficits, money growth and inflation: the Turkish evidence
Tekin-Koru, A; Ozmen, E (2003-03-01)
The paper investigates the long-run relationships between budget deficits, inflation and monetary growth in Turkey considering two alternative trivariate systems corresponding to the narrowest and the broadest monetary aggregates. While the joint endogeneity of money and inflation rejects the validity of the monetarist view, lack of a direct relationship between inflation and budget deficits makes the pure fiscal theory explanations illegitimate for the Turkish case. Consistent with the policy regime of fin...
Budget deficits, interest rates, public and private investments in Turkey
Saygılı, Hülya; Özmen, Erdal; Department of Economics (1998)
Budget deficits and inflation in Turkey
Şaylan, Tülay; Keyder, Nur; Department of Economics (1988)
Budget control and monitoring of Adana shopping center project
Erkan, Ziya Kerim; Erant, Engin; Department of Civil Engineering (1999)
Financial dollarization and currency substitution in Turkey
Başkurt, Özge; Özmen, Erdal; Department of Economics (2005)
This study aims to investigate currency substitution and financial dollarization in Turkey. The extend of dollarization in Turkey appears to be very high according to both the conventional currency substitution and the recently developed financial dollarization measures. This has serious policy implications as a source of financial fragility through currency/maturity mismatches and balance sheet effects. The empirical part of this study contained an investigation of the long run relationships between the va...
Citation Formats
A. Tekin, “Budget deficits, monetary growth and inflation in Turkey : An empirical investigation,” Middle East Technical University, 1997.